> Has there ever been an anti-science denier of AGW here who changes his view and admits it when proven wrong?

Has there ever been an anti-science denier of AGW here who changes his view and admits it when proven wrong?

Posted at: 2015-03-12 
Willful ignorance, paranoia, and radical political beliefs are effective prophylactics against leaning and thinking.

Even if they were to change their minds on AGW – and if the live long enough, they will – they will never admit that they were wrong. They are they type of people (terminally stupid liars) who will start bragging to everyone that they knew AGW was real even before scientists figured it out.

Kano has changed his view before but in the past few months he continues to posts things where he has been shown wrong. Believe it or not when Billy first came here he was more open minded to things from a more scientific standpoint than anything else. People with more scientific competence, such as JimZ and RaisinCane or graphicconception seem to believe in what they say so strongly even when they are shown to be wrong that they continue stating the same things over and over. People like Maxx, Sagebrush and cyclops are so stuck on their religious beliefs that anything that does not conform to them they write off and continue to do so. They favour religion in place of science.

As I see the people that deny climate science and the contribution mankind has made to climate change. They do not come to this site to learn or share, but rather to preach their politics or religion.

Someone mentioned that he was once a skeptic.

Not that I know of

Or do some of them actually think that keeping answers and questions private means nobody ever checks the reference questions to locate the same old fossil fuel industry funded contradictory myths recycled over and over and over? http://www.skepticalscience.com/argument.php





