> What's the one major thing that makes you a believer in man made global warming?

What's the one major thing that makes you a believer in man made global warming?

Posted at: 2015-03-12 
I used to believe in global warming and using renewables, until I looked more closely and decided it did not make much sense, I mean okay no doubt we are adding CO2 to the atmosphere, and that could cause some warming (I have my doubts about that too) but I cant see how it would be dangerous or catastrophic, I cant believe in these tipping points and all these alarmist predictions that always fail to be true.

CO2 is a greenhouse gas, so more of it would be expected to trap more heat. Nobody disagrees that CO2 increase is man made. So what if our climate science isn't good enough to say exactly how much and wen the changes in climate will happen. Something will happen, if the CO2 concentrations gets high enough. I really don't care if you call the "something" global warming or global chemical imbalance, or whatever. It is clearly a major man made change to the environment with (so far) not well know but possibly harmful effects that we CAN do something about; namely reduce our emissions.

The adjustments made to temperature records, by adjusting temperatures from 1998 upwards and adjusting temperatures from 1930 to 1970 downwards you can prove that global warming is happening, well kind of, on paper anyway. But lets not mention whether or not it's naughty human's fault cause you need a sprinkling of fairy dust to prove that element.

Though not a scientist, I have had a lifelong interest in physics, engineering, astronomy, and other scientific or technical subjects. When I first took an interest in Yahoo Answers, I anticipated spending my time over at R&S (hence the name Darwinist). However, though I knew nothing about AGW, the subject soon captured my attention and since then I have been proving it to myself by studying the evidence and theoretical basis for the phenomenon.

So, to answer your question, though I have always been a believer, it is my understanding of atmospheric radiation that I find the most convincing. That is where my main interest lies, and is the subject I know most about. Other areas, such as what the consequences of the warming will be, these I know less about. Of the fact of the warming though, and of ourselves as the cause; of these I am certain.

If you understand atmospheric radiation, then no other conclusion is possible.

Evidence. Global warming is happening


And we are causing it


The ten warmest years in the instrumental record are 2010, 2005, 2009, 2007, 2002, 1998, 2006, 2003, 2011 and 2012.


Why is Alph's answer hidden? It is short and simple, but correct.

And not that I would approve of it being TDed to oblivion, but I don't see any TDs. Ditto for That Guy's answer.


OK! I do see some TDs. But it used to take at least 5 TDs more than TUs to hide an answer, except from one of the YA members who TDed it.

The climate is getting worse and worse by shameless and stupid human beings, and then people come and even try to say that global warming doesn't exist and is not because of human beings? What kind of brutal, ugly people are you?

Data: Sun dimming, Earth warming:


Warming or change ? I've witnessed bigtime change.

The fact that it is occuring

What is the one thing about global warming that makes you believe man is warming the planet? Is it the number of scientists who believe global warming is true, or could it be something Algore said that make you believe. Or maybe you see a big difference around you because of the 0.2degs we added to the climate over the last 100 years? I'm interested in why you're a believer.
