> Will SageB now plagiarize pasper2s "questions" to "open them up" to those of us P blocks?

Will SageB now plagiarize pasper2s "questions" to "open them up" to those of us P blocks?

Posted at: 2015-03-12 
Not now. Lobachevksy is in the middle of a Rothschilds.

@Sage... Seriously, I still can't figure out if HeyDoofus is a real alarmist or a skeptic masquerading as an alarmists to make them all look like complete idiots. I think I've given him best answer a few times just to highlight how incredibly stupid his "answers" are. I remember asking about the record Antarctic sea ice extent and his answer was something like "There is no record Antarctic sea ice extent." I actually find it fascinating how he has disassociated himself from reality completely. I am fairly certain he is psychotic. If he is a skeptic masquerading as a psychotic alarmist then the act is brilliant and I must congratulate him.

Lol. Perhaps I should plagiarize the question. The chain could end with me as I haven't blocked anyone.

Well when you blocked me I thought Satan made you do it. So I sent letters to the atheist you think God has turned into prophets asking them to pray for me. Perhaps they could do the same for you.

. I really don't know what he is asking. But my best guess he is miffed that someone blocked him. Ha! Ha! I don't block. I just never read anything Dork has to say. I'll take that back.Sometimes I will read answers without looking at the answerer. Dork has the mos insane gut wrenching answers. But several people have given him best answers. OM gave him a BA and in his comments said, "Whatever." The other two answerers were true scientists. The fix is in. Ha! Ha!

Now Dork is on to the Rothschilds. Next thing he will admit he was raped on an alien spaceship. What next? A Yeti lives in the basement of his mother's house with him? Ha! Ha!

Ian: Dork can't be that good.