> Were there experts that predicted the raining of bats in Australia?

Were there experts that predicted the raining of bats in Australia?

Posted at: 2015-03-12 
If there were, what actions did they take [though it didn't stop anything] ?

Having read the link that C provided it seems that the experts know why the bats fell from the sky, namely that temperatures exceeded 43°C (109°F). Given that such temperatures had been forecast I would guess that someone, somewhere would have guessed that this might happen.

Temperatures exceeding 43°C are again predicted for parts of Australia so there may be further instances of bats dying in flight.

As for taking action to save the bats, I can’t see how this could be achieved other than on very small and localised scales by capturing a few bats as they leave the roost.

It was a surprise which is hard to predict http://www.huffingtonpost.com/2014/01/08...

Article says they think it was the extreme heat

Sorry but some of the members don't comprehend the idea behind giving helpful answers Makes the forum look shabby doesn't it?

Yes there were many bats in the belfry of the greenies. When Abbot eased the carbon tax all these bats escaped. It is only natural.

Are moonbats considered a species.

If there were, what actions did they take [though it didn't stop anything] ?