> Could manipulation of the ionosphere via modern technology be a factor in global warming?

Could manipulation of the ionosphere via modern technology be a factor in global warming?

Posted at: 2015-03-12 
Hi Billy there are many ionospheric heaters around the world Haarp is the most modern and most well known One thing man is good at is amplifying electrical energy , look how solidstate electronics has made it possible for the flatscreen TV and the computer your using would have taken up a building of component's some 30 years ago . In the 80's the first mobile phone was released and it was called the brick for obvious reasons. Another thing that has made life easier is the microwave oven ,it uses conduction instead of convection a magnetron accelerates the electron and fires them through a wave guide . Another thing you can look into is the fowl and fair weather electric fields fowl weather is a low pressure system and works in the up direction driven by negatively charged ions (electrons) and the fair weather electric field works in the down direction ,high pressure system and is driven by positively charged ions ( aerosols) If Atlant works with only 500,000 watts and Haarp capable

the sun is a MILLION times the size of the earth , the equator is constantly at 45 celsius while the poles are a consistent -50 yet the poles are only 6000 miles further from the sun , the sun has been extremely active recently , a .0005% rise in it's output would cook the earth a 15 reduction and we would all freeze it is the GIANT sun that controls everything in our weather and atmosphere , even the so called holes in ozone layer are due to the impact angles of radiation from the sun they have ALWAYS been there, if pollution is reaching the upper atmosphere there can be only one cause = aircraft, cfcs are much heavier than air , if you have a container of some and tip it up they flow l to the floor and create a layer on the floor, they do NOT go UP

Temperature is not stable nor has it been for more than 3 decades.

The CFC/HCFC families are greenhouse gases and along with other aerosols cause a thinning of the ozone layer

CO2 is going up and surface temps are going up a minimum of 0.12C per year according to one of maxx's real links and the Ocean temps are going up to a greater degree. meaning global warming has not stopped regardless of how much the cry babies think it is.

As to electricity Maxx....China is in the process of building 1 coal fired power plant each week for at least the next 3 years That is a minimum 156 plants which will be running at full capacity spewing tons of CO2 every second 24 hours a day . This will not only speed up AGW it will speed up glacier and polar ice melt . India is building coal plants as well. CO2 will cause global temps to rise and CO2 to rise at a higher rate than 2ppm per year

No. To cause warming, you need to either add energy to the atmosphere or suppress clouds. To suppress clouds, you would need to either warm up the upper atmosphere to stop convection, which would require an amount of energy comparable to what Earth receives from the Sun or evaporate the moisture in the clouds, which would also require an amount of energy comparable to what Earth receives from the Sun.

john m

<1Billion watts>

1 billion watts is nothing in comparison with Earth's energy balance. About 175.6 quadrillion watts from the Sun

No -- and you should know better Billy.

Nobody should buy any of that HAARP jazz.

Keep in mind that any kind of warming requires power, you don't get something for nothing.

Now realize that electrical power plants WORLDWIDE would have to produce and store energy for more than 200 YEARS just to make enough energy to heat the Earth for a SINGLE DAY.

That's a fact, we've discussed this and gone over the figures in this forum before.

The production of electricity in 2009 was 20,053TWh, which was 11% of the solar energy the earth receives in one hour (174,000TWh). http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Electricity...

Here I ask:

Earth receives how much more energy from the Sun each day than worldwide electricity produced in a year? The math showed the Sun sends us about 208 times more energy PER DAY than WORLDWIDE electricity production for 208 YEARS using electricity production figures for 2009. http://answers.yahoo.com/question/index;...

So unless HAARP and wifi and the rest of it has it's own power plant that is many times more powerful than all the electrical power plants worldwide, any such emissions cannot in any way substantially warm the atmosphere.


Even the deniers agree that this is a total croc.



It makes sense. I noticed some trends

Aerosols/CFC increase so does temperature

HAARP and other technology similar are manipulating the Ionosphere since 1994 temperature has risen. Recently due to cuts in the budget from the banker bailout(2007) it has been doing less and temperature is stabilizing 2007-2014.

We had major advances in technology from 1990-2005, temperature increased. By technological advances I mean wifi, satellite radio, television, etc. We live in a soup of electrical waves.

CO2 is going up but temperature is stable so this makes no sense.

Solar activity overall is down but CME is up(CME effects the ionosphere)

Since we banned/restricted CFC temperature has stabilized.

Your thoughts or other ideas along this line?