> Scientists are now saying that we are entering into a 30 year cooling period. How did the climate models miss this?

Scientists are now saying that we are entering into a 30 year cooling period. How did the climate models miss this?

Posted at: 2015-03-12 
Good luck getting billions of dollars back. Unless the global warming modelers are the ones who stole the 6.6 billion in Iraq.

Even a 30 year cooling trend won't stop the global warming movement. RealClimate saw it coming, and put up a post predicting it. Now they will say, this doesn't mean global warming is wrong. Why we posted about it right here on this site. And as that post said, global warming will come back in a few decades stronger than ever.

I'd want to see a source on that. I'm not aware of any scientist that's claiming that we're in a 30-year cooling trend.

But, as far as I understand it, surface temperatures are affected heavily by oceanic cycles that we don't fully understand yet, like the PDO and ENSO. But, if warming hasn't *altered* the PDO, what we can anticipate is a period of little to no warming (or possibly even slight cooling), followed by a period of strong warming, followed by another period of little to no warming, and so on.

As far as I'm aware, we're about due for warming to ramp up again (probably within the next 5 years, maybe a hair more).

And, keep in mind, models are... tools. They are a way that scientists trying to figure out what affects the climate can test ideas in a marginally coherent way. A model doesn't have to be *right* to be useful, it just has to be *less wrong* than the previous one. If a model is less wrong, that means it's closer to actually describing the phenomena that it's trying to model. If you can get a better model (that is, one that more closely matches actual events) by including rather than excluding some factor (such as warming from anthropogenic CO2), then that's evidence that this factor is, in fact, affecting climate, in at least roughly the way you think.

Per the geologists, normal cooling & warming cycles of the earth take like 3,000 to 5,000 years. The weather models are based only on like 125 years of recorded info.

there is NO cooling.

OK, you could forgive a computer model if they missed one year, but now it looks like scientists are predicting that we are now in a 30 year cooling trend, not a warming trend. Why did the climate models get the information so wrong? Do you think we should demand our money back? And what does this 30 year cooling trend for the global warming movement?