> "deniers" will you watch Cosmos on Sunday?

"deniers" will you watch Cosmos on Sunday?

Posted at: 2015-03-12 
why or why not?

I believe in science not some strange guessing game that started as Global Cooling in the late 60's. I read the book and it was dreck. Nothing in it came about. I also love environmentalists. In the 70's there were bumper stickers "Split Wood Not Atoms", then they found that wood came from trees and they went nuts like there are not trees in the USA. CT alone has 1.8 Million acres of them. But they being the enlightened ones went off on the fact that trees were almost extinct. I just recently answered a gardening question where someone was watering every day which wastes fresh water and killing their plants. They say they are "organic" gardeners. What they are is environmentalists. They have no idea what nature is all about, they just think it is some godlike thing and if they just water some poor plant till it drowns they are being one with Gaea. Give me a break!

Its not on today , He is not a Climate Scientist , Nor Bill Nye

Nah! I don't know what it is but if it is about climate change I would much rather waste my time watching some other more entertaining fairy tale. There is nothing more boring than listening to liars hawking a non-existent crises. Ha! Ha! You have to be real simple to eat that garbage. Snake oil anyone?

Kano If you ignored climate change "rubbish" that would be every site you link to

Right Kano, 'cause you're really way smarter than deGrasse Tyson.

Yes I will, but just ignore the climate change rubbish

why or why not?