> Why is global warming often referred to as the greenhouse effect?

Why is global warming often referred to as the greenhouse effect?

Posted at: 2015-03-12 
Ok well a firstly a greenhouse is an artifical area where plants are grown in controlled conditions. Since the greenhouse is made of glass, lights can pass in but heat cannot escape so the green house is warmer on the inside since the glass prevents the heat from escaping. Now the gases in in the atmosphere acts as a layer of glass, it allows light through but prevents the heat from escaping and thus this leaves the earth's surface warmer. Thus the greenhouse effect is really the heat that is being trapped on the surface and so global warming is not the greenhouse effect but is a result from it.

Greenhouses are made of glass and are usually not green, since the glass is clear.

When sunlight hits an object, some of the light turns to heat. A good example of this is a car sitting in the sun on a hot day. The interior gets very hot if the heat is trapped inside the car with the windows closed.

Global warming is like the car in the sun with the windows closed, the heat starts to build up. But the globe, unlike the car is rotating, so the globe is heating in the day and cooling in the night. So there is a balanced heat gain.

It is an error when it is referred to that way.

The greenhouse effect is how our atmosphere keeps us on average warmer than our Moon, and reduces the day-night temperature swings of our Moon.

Global warming is caused by increases in greenhouse gases (making greenhouse effect more pronounced), and changes in Earth's surface reflectivity.

The *changes in* the greenhouse effect is just one component of Global Warming.

They are related but not the same. If the greenhouse effect were constant, it would make Earth warmer than it would be without it, but would not be causing warming. Global warming is happening because humans are burning fossil fuels and adding carbon dioxide, a greenhouse gas, to the atmosphere.

Because the increase in the greenhouse effect is causing global warming.

Supposedly heat and light can pass through the greenhouse glass, but long wave heat has a harder time passing out so keeping the greenhouse warm, however if you leave the greenhouse doors open, it gets quite cool.

A greenhouse is an enclosed space for plants. When they give off heat, it gets trapped in the house. When we pollute it gets trapped around the earth and heats us up

Because of the plants. For animals, incl. humans should be redhouse but the lobby of the vegetarians will deny it so you simply may call it "the oven effect".