> Is climate change "man made"?

Is climate change "man made"?

Posted at: 2015-03-12 
The name was changed to "climate change" so as to cover ALL changes; THEN government started to blame "man" in order to scare people so as to get more control of the people, AND to justify all the taxes, regulations, expenditures, etc. that OTHERWISE would NOT be acceptable TO the people.

And the Sheeple just nod their heads and play follow the leader.

Hi Edward, I would say not. The warmers have a track record of getting it wrong, deception, and down right lies and how any honest person can be taken in by it is hard to believe. How many predictions of disaster that do not come about does it take before honest men smell a rat? Every time they make a prediction of disaster the climate takes off in the opposite direction. The climate deity is laughing his socks off at them and they don't see it.

Given you start taking about weather rather than climate you have pretty much shoot yourself in the foot coming out of the gate. many things in 'weather' do change but look at the longer picture and at a more global scale and that is the climate.

Deniers like to waffle on about endless political agendas and conspiracies I guess you have given you have no real scientific support for your nonsense.

A look at a 120 year slice of temperature data shows many things includes some of the 'cycles' you allude to but it also shows a steady rise in temperature that has no other explanation than Co2.


Science has shown beyond doubt we are the cause of that extra Co2 and that Co2 is solidly linked to past natural temperature rises, just as drops in Co2 are linked to much cooler periods.

A common catch cry from deniers is where did the Co2 in the past come from, usually associated with some lame joke about cavemen and hummers. Of course these same deniers, among many excuses for the current rise in Co2 blame volcanoes, yet seem unable to grasp that past volcanic activity dwarfs anything we have seen since we have been on this planet.

An event like the Siberian Traps easily could put more Co2 into the atmosphere then we have but that event is also linked to one of the larger extinction and climate changes in Earth history.

This is an eruption on a scale we can't real compare to anything we have ever seen, it would have first caused an iceage lasting perhaps a thousand years and then as particulates washed out of the atmosphere and ice started to retreat the Co2 released would have warmed the planet up for hundreds of thousands of years.

The science on AGW is quite solid for all deniers back slapping and conspiracy creation they have not (in almost 2 decades) come up with any credible counter theory nor any real evidence that disputes the science, regardless of what they may pretend in their own blogs.


That's a rant. Also, agree about which part? You make a statement and then ask for agreement. I don't think this is the forum for that. Reaffirmation questions are probably against Y!A policy.

"It changes, it follows cycles, is there 'climate change'? Of course there is..."

The question goes on to answer itself in many other ways.

Very man made and very now Although CO2 is not the greatest of greenhouse gases, as CO2 has risen in the last few decades, so has the world's temperature average.Below is a fairly good look at climate change

Stupid scientific research articles like this http://news.yahoo.com/arctic-sea-ice-mel... are just another reason why the scientific community has gone stupid and make it hard to believe anything they bring up for proof of "Anthropogenic (man-made)Global Warming".

In this article it states :

1) " ... As the atmosphere warms, the Arctic ice cap has shrunk by 12 percent per decade since 1978. ... "

This is not a result just from the warming atmosphere but a result from changing ocean flow patterns

2) " ... The researchers found a similar trend in the East Greenland and Barents seas, where the fall freeze may now be delayed by as much as 40 days per decade. ... "

40 days per decade? Since 1978 there has been 3 1/2 decades which would equal 140 days of fall freeze delay. ROTFLMAO!!!!!

It's this type of "shallow reporting" and lack of sufficient "scientific information control" by scientists that leads people into believing a catastrophe is on the horizon.

This is just 1 article I found 10 minutes ago on Yahoo News. 9am CST 2/16/2014 and this type of reporting and scientific disinformation happens several times a day.

Man is a part of nature, so essentially, climate change happens by nature

You mean energy independence that you get from the need to trade for oil, coal and gas from other countries a opposed to making it locally using different forms of renewable energy?

And to counter Maxx's flooding of these boards with those unscientific videos:

yeah ofcourse climate change is the reply of human activities

what ever the invansion are they posses short term benefit. and great problem

MAN DOES'NT CONTROL THE WEATHER. They cant be precise on predicting the weather either. Mike

Has anyone noticed the difficulty experienced by our weather forecasters? Weather phenomenon has been studied and recorded for decade after decade with only one dependable conclusion: It changes. It follows cycles. Is there "climate change"? Of course there is, but dont confuse that fact with the question of "MAN MADE" climate change. Those who are the most sure of their position on this question are the most suspicious, because they have a political agenda. They would sacrifice economic recovery in favor of government control for the sake of government control. Lets not let the EPA nor any other Government agency deny us the prosperity of energy independence. Dont you agree?

It is refreshing to see another come to the same conclusion.

Climate is absolutely NOT man-made. There is ZERO evidence for it.

Warmists want us to believe that CO2 drives temperature --- it does NOT. In fact, it is temperature that drives CO2 levels. That is the opposite of what Al Gore wants you to believe.

Oh, and here is Al Gore reluctantly admitting this fact in a Congressional hearing.


Man-made Global Warming is a SCAM to raise our taxes and control our lives.

It's been cooling for at least 12 years.


Top climate scientists say there is no man-made Global Warming.

The Great Global Warming Swindle

No Man cannot change the climate .

Maybe but it can be hyped up some times

Fascist, yes you are. look it up