> Why do people who don't believe in AGW think scientists are involved in a worldwide conspiracy?

Why do people who don't believe in AGW think scientists are involved in a worldwide conspiracy?

Posted at: 2015-03-12 
Sigh... Perhaps scientists have been incorrect about the timing of events, but that does not mean that global CO2 levels aren't increasing. It is not hard to measure CO2 levels in the atmosphere and compare them with past measurements.

Let me try to appeal to logic here.

1. There is no disputing the fact that coal plants, cars, etc produce greenhouse gasses. If you dispute that, you are just being a troll.

2. We have cut down large amounts of forests which would absorb CO2 put into the atmosphere.

3. Now for a simple mathematical concept. Add more CO2 to the atmosphere with cars and coal plants but REMOVE the forests that absorbs CO2, what happens? That's right. The CO2 concentration in the atmosphere increases.

4. It is a known scientific fact that the more CO2 in the atmosphere there is, the more heat that is trapped. This can be verified by experiment if you don't believe it. Try taking a science class, that might help you to learn the scientific method.

5. What is the net effect of more heat being trapped? That's right, ice begins to melt, which is what we are seeing happen with the polar ice caps. Just look at satellite photos from the 1970s and compare them with today. There is no question the size of the polar ice caps have shrunk.

6. We haven't even seen the worst of increasing global temperature yet either. While ice is melting, the temperature of the ice remains constant. If you took chemistry you would recognize this as the heat of fusion. Once all the ice has melted, temperature will begin to climb faster than it was when ice was melting.

Anyone who denies these scientific facts just cares about their stock portfolio invested in coal and oil companies.

Because it’s a very easy cop-out that requires no knowledge of the subject, no ability to rationalise, no critical thinking, no evidence etc.

The notion that climate change is nothing more than a conspiracy is truly laughable and those making the claims are clearly oblivious to the history or science of climate change, not that they let this get in the way of anything.

Consider for a moment the number of people that would have to be involved in the conspiracy. You have every government in the world, every scientific organisation in the world, the entire fossil fuel industry, the military, the judiciary… We’re talking millions of people.

If we’re to believe the conspiracy theorists, then incredibly, for decades not one of those millions of people has ever let anything slip, they’ve never broken ranks, never sold their story to the media, never published a book on the subject.

A government committee of six people can’t keep a secret. It defies all forms of credibility to believe that millions of people from totally opposing political, religious and ideological stances could put aside all their differences and unanimously agree on something that many of them wouldn’t even benefit from.

Why would the oil companies join in, they stand to lose billions from climate change. They even have their own in-house teams of climate scientists to advise them, yet they agree that climate change is real so must be part of the conspiracy.

Then there are the oil rich nations who also lose out big time if climate change is real, yet they too all agree that it’s a real threat.

Anyone who thinks it’s a conspiracy clearly hasn’t given it a moments thought.

There's 4 things that raise red flags to me about this whole subject:

1. The way every socialist/communist has latched on to AGW as a way to push their social agendas. We've long known that you folks hate capitalism and the freedom to live our lives the way we choose. This is your excuse to push through all your big government tax and spend programs that control how we live our lives, from where we live, what jobs we have, what we eat, and what kind of transportation we have.

2. The ridiculous dire predictions that you Global Warming alarmists make. Like Gore telling us that NYC will be under 20 feet of water and that the polar ice cap would all be melted away by 2013 (it's not!). And now, even as we've seen a 17 year pause in Global Warming, you folks just double down on these ridiculous predictions.

3. The models you folks use to make these ridiculous predictions have proven to be wrong. 95% of them have failed to predict the temperatures of the last 15 years, instead predicting too hot of temperatures. Yet you still have faith in these models. Why?

4. All the grants these climate scientists get are from the government. From those same politicians who have latched on to GW as a way to push their agendas. You don't think they issue those grants without the expectation that the studies will back their agenda, do you?

Think again, hoaxster. You are actually preaching the minority scientific view. See the link. The facts are simple:

1) The global warming trend ended in 1998

2) The majority of scientists say man-made global warming is a fallacy (see link)

3) Who preaches man-made global warming? Politicians, the media, scientists beholding to the government for their income, profiteers making billions off of the hoax.

You knew it was a hoax from the getgo when they started in with the "99% of all scientists agree..." yet they NEVER want to have a scientific debate.

Here's the final fact (of the thousands available) to think about today. Do you know when the global warming fear mongering started? Try 1985 -- when they said we water levels would rise in 15 years drowning cities, etc.

Because they do not understand it themselves and instead have to just trust what people say. Then when different people say different things about it, they have no way of knowing which argument is more likely correct so they get confused and just assume nobody really knows. From there they decide that anybody who claims we all need to pull together to fight it is just lying.

Consider how it started and who is behind the movement, pulling the strings.

I was the only Greenpeace activist with a PhD in ecology, and because I wouldn’t allow exaggeration beyond reason I quickly earned the nickname “Dr. Truth.” It wasn’t always meant as a compliment. Despite my efforts, the movement abandoned science and logic somewhere in the mid-1980s, just as society was adopting the more reasonable items on our environmental agenda.

Ironically, this retreat from science and logic was partly a response to society’s growing acceptance of environmental values. Some activists simply couldn’t make the transition from confrontation to consensus; it was as if they needed a common enemy. When a majority of people decide they agree with all your reasonable ideas the only way you can remain confrontational and antiestablishment is to adopt ever more extreme positions, eventually abandoning science and logic altogether in favor of zero-tolerance policies.

The collapse of world communism and the fall of the Berlin Wall during the 1980s added to the trend toward extremism. The Cold War was over and the peace movement was largely disbanded. The peace movement had been mainly Western-based and anti-American in its leanings. Many of its members moved into the environmental movement, bringing with them their neo-Marxist, far-left agendas.

******To a considerable extent the environmental movement was hijacked by political and social activists who learned to use green language to cloak agendas that had more to do with anticapitalism and antiglobalization than with science or ecology. I remember visiting our Toronto office in 1985 and being surprised at how many of the new recruits were sporting army fatigues and red berets in support of the Sandinistas.

- See more at: http://www.mercatornet.com/articles/view...

See trevor's comment.

Follow the money: Just about every one of those "scientists" either has or works for someone who has a grant to study the "problem." If there is no problem there are no research grants and no funding for the scientists.

I doubt those "scientific organizations" existed while the Earth went through natural cycles of warming and cooling since the beginning of time.

it's like the o. j. trial of vthe early '90s. it's tribal-your wrong and WE ARE RIGHT! making you wrong makes us right.

197 worldwide scientific organizations say AGW is happening. No scientific organisation anywhere in the world says AGW isn't happening.


I know con's like to discredit the 97 percentage number but there is a reason we talk about it so much. When you look at all the peered reviewed scientific papers, 97 percent supports AGW.

So are these people just anti-science since they refuse to even consider these two facts I've listed?

It's easy, because you were lied to and now you regurgitate the lie without thinking, just like a good sheeple will do.







ETC. so much for a clear consensus.

"... No scientific organisation anywhere in the world says AGW isn't happening... "

Wrong: http://www.forbes.com/sites/peterferrara...

Because their "Theories" aren't set. They continue to evolve. Which tells me they are all full of $hit.