> How did Global Warming cause the Zombie Apocalypse?

How did Global Warming cause the Zombie Apocalypse?

Posted at: 2015-03-12 
It didn't. And if you don't believe me, I'll eat your brain.

And Sagebrush is a total moron. He does not ever recognize a joke.

It hasn't occurred yet but if you look back in the geologic record, there was global warming event most likely due to the Siberian vents releasing a large amount of CO2, the oceans became anoxic and became anaerobic, killing the marine life and releasing hydrogen sulfide which killed land life both animal and plant, 95% of life ended in the Permian extinction. Conditions aren't even close to something like that happening but an interesting adaptation from it is that most mammals have a hibernation response to hydrogen sulfide. But with creatures as complex as humans, hibernation could cause some brain damage. Of course, this would be more a mad cow disease or rainman type of zombism then a brain eating zombism requiring shotgun blasts to the head but it's a remote link to a faint resemblance to a zombie apocalypse, more likely something like our high ozone days where people are advised to stay inside except with a rotten egg smell.

Note, none of this presents a form of zombism similar to the movies, none of this is even likely with our current CO2 level increases, the oceans were different 260 million years ago and had different thermohaline currents, and the amount of biomass in the environment was different.

Zombies aren't caused by global warming. they are caused from improving technology.


The T-virus survives longer in warmer weather ...


Someone stole their blow-guns.

Well the scare of Global Warming caused many to become brain dead. You can see many examples of this brain dead, zombie like, condition on this site. Just look at Dork's questions and answers if you don't believe me.

Climate Realist, it seems, is going beyond Dork at proving my point. (And getting worse than Dork, takes some doing. It even goes beyond insanity.)

Then you see the Grifter's response. That is unusually intellectual for him. I'm glad to see that you brought out his best. Good Work!

Nice name that... DumDum. I'm guessing someone else picked it for you.

People spent so much time listening to Al Gore that their brains atrophied turning them into zombies

Dunno how but my shotgun and chainsaw are thirsting for zombie blood.

Do you get your rocks off wasting people's time with this BS???????????????????????????????????