> What will be the environmental, sociopolitical, and economic impacts of 21st century climate change?

What will be the environmental, sociopolitical, and economic impacts of 21st century climate change?

Posted at: 2015-03-12 
How can global climate change be mitigated (slowed), stopped, or reversed?

What are some of the various solutions that have been proposed to solve global warming?

Climate change was caused by 70years of intense solar activity (the modern solar maximum) not Co2, the sun has now entered a possible minimum, which is why there has been no temperature risen for the last 15yrs, some cooling is possible.

The environmental sociopolitical and economic impacts, due to climate change policies are huge, spending billions on climate research which was needed on infrastructure, imposing carbon tax, regulating fuels, diverting funds to inefficient costly unreliable green energy.

The results have been lowering of economies, rising prices, loss of jobs, and lots of ugly, noisy, bird chopping windmills.

Forget Co2, spend money where it is needed and develop safe reliable nuclear technology like LFTR's

Oh and I forgot old people dying because they can't afford to heat their homes.

Here's a nice list of the positive and negative (mostly negative) effects of global warming: http://www.skepticalscience.com/global-w...

Some things individual people can do about AGW:

1. Drive less. Walk, ride a bike, or take public transit, whenever practical. When you do need to drive, try to carpool, and/or combine your trips into one (cars are a little more efficient when they're warmed up, one long trip is less harmful than several short ones of similar length)

2. Buy green. Buy recycled, buy local (the less something has to travel to get to you, the less energy used in transit), buy things made from renewable materials instead of petroleum, buy things with minimal packaging, in whatever way is reasonable try to decrease the environmental impact of your purchases.

3. Waste less. Everything you buy took resources to produce, and resources to ship to you. If you waste it--throw it away half-used, let it spoil, et cetera--you will have used those resources to no good end. And, generally, you'll need to buy a new product to replace what you threw away.

4. Learn more, and advocate/vote for larger-scale solutions. You may not be able to make the big changes on your own--requiring greater fuel efficiency in cars, switching away from coal power plants, and so on. But you can learn about them, and you can write your government officials, power company, and so forth, suggesting that they make the necessary changes.

And, finally, some sources for more information:







http://answers.yahoo.com/question/index;... (I posted a question asking people to give links to information at varying levels of experience)

You can ignore the cow farter as all the animal farts on the planet on't amount to more than a drop in the bucket of CO2

Reducing our collective carbon footprint by conserving fossil fuel by driving less and conserving electricity and support the move to alternative fuels and alternative power such as wind and solar power.

If you want to perpetuate a false issue, then you should understand the facts. Read here : http://tallbloke.files.wordpress.com/201...

Zero, Zip, Nada.

cessation of bovine flatulence.........

How can global climate change be mitigated (slowed), stopped, or reversed?

What are some of the various solutions that have been proposed to solve global warming?