> With more wildfires happening throughout the Southwest & more coastal areas becoming flooded?

With more wildfires happening throughout the Southwest & more coastal areas becoming flooded?

Posted at: 2015-03-12 
one can only speculate about such things because no one really knows. so any answer you get is not a fact but a theory. Keep that in mind. With that being said, what I think will happen is more use of technology to control the enviroment. For example, Japanese are now considering building heals and populating them with trees near coastline most volnurable to tsunamies because apparently they can slow them down tremendously, that is a fact by the way. So we may see more and more places like japan do this. As population grows and earth becomes more and more enviromentally unstable the only solution is technology. I do not think running away from the coast will help solve the problem. facing the problem head on and finding the solution by means of technology will do the trick.

I’ve just been looking at the statistics for wildfires and there’s two very clear paradoxical trends that appear.

In terms of the number of wildfires, the years with the most fires all pre-date 1982. In terms of the number of acres burned, the worst years are all recent. It’s worth noting that in 1983 the methodology for collecting data changed so this may explain the paradox.

That said, 2003, 2004 and 2005 were the three years with the lowest recorded number of human caused fires, but 2006, 2007 and 2008 were the years with the highest numbers. Either a substantial number of people took up arson between 2005 and 2006, or there’s something wrong with the numbers. The available data cover the period 1960 to 2011 inclusive.

In a different report entitled “Historic and future extent of wildfires in the Southern Rockies Ecoregion, USA”, the authors specifically address the issue of climate change and look at possible past and future impacts.


This report concludes that during the period of the study (1930 to 2006) there has been a very significant increase in the number of wildfires and puts this down to three factors. The lesser factor, the report states, is due to better fire detection but the two biggest reasons are a) an increase in the number of human caused fires and b) more fires caused as a result of climate change having caused “unusually hot and dry weather during the latter years of the period”.

The point you make regarding not being able to obtain insurance is an interesting and valid one. Here in the UK there’s a similar problem, only this one relates to the number and extent of flood incidents.

There’s been a massive increase in the number of floods and more and more areas are now designated as being “at risk”, a lot of insurers are refusing to provide cover against flood damage, those that continue to do so have significantly raised premiums.

I would imagine that the situation in the US is very much the same. I can also envisage that some people would be reluctant to live in a property where they were unable to obtain adequate insurance and this may well be a factor in causing some people to move elsewhere.

However, neither wildfires nor floods are new events. When these people purchased their properties they should have been aware that there was a danger from fire or flood, admittedly the historical risk was lower but it still existed. In some cases the residents were perhaps prepared to take the risk on the basis that any loss would be covered by insurance. Given the problems some people now face in obtaining insurance, perhaps this is a risk they no longer find acceptable.

I'm told by Covington Who's Who that their magazine will be out in July /2013 out of New York and Hollywood, Florida. When it comes out I suggest you buy one and under my Title The Major Disaster Solutionist American Master are all but 2 solutions that Nature unleashes on all species on Earth, including Floods Fire Containment within 96 hours, Earthquakes/quake related Tsunami's, Tornado's, Hurricanes, Cyclones, Etc. As for my Global Warming solution. My Triple Output implemented in the right location in July 2012. 4 months later 11/28/ 2012 Satelites reported that ICE accumulating on different parts on earth. We of my Global Teams believe that my Triple Output May have started the beginning of the end of Global Warming. I designed it to return the Climates slowly so all new born this spring will get used to a colder climate for the harsh winters that we're expecting when all season's return to normal. Mike

The paradox about the wildfires is this. Forests were conserved and conserved and conserved till they got soooo big that now when there is a fire it becomes horrendous. If they had let the woods burn when they were smaller as they should have done they wouldn't be in this fix. So yeah the problem is manmade by tree huggers. So they have to blame Global Warming because people need to put the blame on someone else. And people fall for it every time.

No, most likely there will not be flooding world wide. that's because the sea isn't evenly distributed WW. there are some places in the world with more water than others. assuming the ice-caps are melting at a rate projected by the alarmists, it would take 10× the amount of water stored in the polar ice-caps to even cause a a WW rising of 500ft inland. now try multiplying that by a 10s of thousand. yeah, can't see it happening.

Only a wooze would move because of a forest fire. Do people move out of NYC because an apartment burns down? Nature has calamities. Get over it! No man can o anything about it. Every time man has intervened he has screwed it up, like Marduke says. I personally was at French Meadows in California one year. We visited a Forest Ranger lookout station. The person who was stationed there was very concerned because the 'fuel' level was too high. Now what is the 'fuel' level, you may ask, and we did. It turns out that the 'fuel' level was the dead trees and and brush which normally would be cleared each year by the Forest Service. But that hadn't happened in many years because of the tree huggers pressed the Forest Service to let the forest 'go back to nature'. The very next day we had three bolts of lightning in that area. We had to leave early, it was our decision, and the road we left on was closed a half an hour after we left, due to a forest fire.

There was a humongous forest fire in Yellowstone. The biggest ever in Yellowstone's history. The Forest Rangers came to the same conclusion and now Yellowstone is again manicured. The greenies don't get their way there anymore.

Years back in Southern California, the Clinton administration stopped all upkeep in the national forests. When a fire occurred around San Diego. Homes were burned and a lot of damage occurred because the roads that firefighters used to access the fires were impassable. Thank you greenies!

Greenies have been directly responsible for needless human and animal life. Yet they are not held accountable? Why is that?

LOL. Thats funny.



due to global warming will people be forced to move back North & East & Inland, due to the increasing cost of insuring properties within those places.