> Sila Alangotok―Inuit Observations on Climate Change.” This video shows the contribution of Inuit populations t?

Sila Alangotok―Inuit Observations on Climate Change.” This video shows the contribution of Inuit populations t?

Posted at: 2015-03-12 
They make a good propaganda tool when you try to tug at people's heart strings. They try to imply that they have lived off the land forever and now they can't because of our emissions of CO2, boo hoo. Then the add pictures the old elder with a tear in his eye.

What is First Peoples anyway? They aren't first peoples. I have heard them referred to as First Nations in Canada but that is a political name meant to imply they were here first even if some evidence indicates Europeans may have been here first as evidence by Kennewick Man (not a modern European and not a modern Native American) and the Silutrean technology he employed. The first people were probably African based on our best available evidence.

Many people are so disconnected from nature that they have no idea whether the climate is changing or not. It is very valuable to listen to what the people say who live close to the land and know how things are changing. The Inuit's way of life has sustained them for centuries, but they are being threatened by the encroachments of civilization and the changes that are happening in their environment. The article below is from an interview with one of the Inuit's leaders, who describes how their world is changing.

Well I have seen documentaries where the Inuit have praised global warming, most are quite happy to have it warmer.

But then you can edit and show whatever you like these days, a little playing around and you can make programmes to say what ever you want,

Don't let truth get in the way of a good story.

You can take advantage of them to get more funding for whatever project on "Climate Change" you can come up with.

. So much for "Global Warming" huh, Mr. Gore?????

Worst ice storms in Ohio - 15 years

Major Record Setting Freezes in Mich, Minn, Mont, - Mr. Gore

What's next? "The Sky is Falling"?

Sila Alangotok―Inuit Observations on Climate Change.” This video shows the contribution of Inuit populations to a study of climate change. Describe the benefits of having First Peoples participate in these kinds of studies.