> What do you think will cause a human extinction event?

What do you think will cause a human extinction event?

Posted at: 2015-03-12 
In your opinion how do you think mankind will die out?

I am not certain as to what will bring about our extinction, but I am reasonably certain that it will be self induced.

I don't think mankind is necessarily going to go extinct. All species that ever existed past 10 million years ago have gone "extinct" but some simply evolved into different species. It isn't a sure thing, but I think humans have a good chance of not dying out and evolving into something different and hopefully something better.

I can't think of anything that would cause the human race to become 100% extinct with the possible exception of some highly contagious and lethal disease. Even then, there is likely going to be some spot that remains isolated so some people would survive. Also there will be a % of the population that will be immune to whatever it is.

Alien invasion, an engineered supervirus, a supervolcano erupting, total thermonuclear war, or the like *might* do the job. Especially several of those at once. But humans are pretty creative and adaptable. I don't think anything much short of those things could do the job.

A Asteroid or the Super Volcano Yellowstone Park blowing up might ruin your day.

Zombie apocalypse

Alien invasion

A virus targeting humans

Einstein, after the atomic bomb was developed, was asked what HE thought the NEXT world war would be fought with.

He said he didn't know, BUT thought the one AFTER that would be fought with sticks and stones.


Large asteroid or comet impact on earth

Local star goes supernova

New and crazy disease that is both exceptionally lethal and highly contageous.

Human error.

The inability to reproduce.

In your opinion how do you think mankind will die out?

Stephen Hawking said that our species is doomed if we do not escape to other planets.

Zambiez , lots off Zambiez

I'm going to with zombies

Ignorance, mostly.

Can't happen soon enough. Most are braindead so might as well just go away.