> What affect does global warming have on mountains, forests, climate and rivers/oceans?

What affect does global warming have on mountains, forests, climate and rivers/oceans?

Posted at: 2015-03-12 
Global warming is the rise in the average temperature of Earth's atmosphere and oceans since the late 19th century and its projected continuation. Since the early 20th century, Earth's mean surface temperature has increased by about 0.8 °C (1.4 °F), with about two-thirds of the increase occurring since 1980.Naturally occurring amounts of greenhouse gases have a mean warming effect of about 33 °C (59 °F).[54][C] The major greenhouse gases are water vapor, which causes about 36–70% of the greenhouse effect.

Melting mountain ice cap is global warming.

In the interests of gathering as many thumbs down as possible I add my voice to those who have rightly pointed out that there are many benefits to having a warmer climate, and that it has actually been cooling since 1998.

Once again I am alarmed at the way schools are filling pupils' heads with all this dangerous propaganda. It's like nazi Germany.

Does your teacher give you the other side of this silly argument at all? I wonder.

I suggest you get a DVD copy of the acclaimed channel four film The Great Global Warming swindle and then try to make a balanced judgement rather than just taking the views of the alarmists as a type of gospel.

The world has been much warmer, and during 'snowball earth' when it was freezing all over the concentration of CO2 was over a hundred times what it is now.

Asking us for descriptions is getting someone else to do your homework and you are right it isn't fair to cheat nor is it fair to infringe on others for the purpose of doing your homework.

if you really want to be successful in school you will need to learn to google, but this isn't just typing a single word and searching, it is using words that guide the search. so you want to know effects then search:

mountains climate change impact

forests climate change impact

rainforests climate change impact

waterways oceans climate change impact

If you wan ways to fix them then change impact to solutions, or to causes if that is what you need If you wanted to know how it effects the people in the area then something like

climate change mountains local populations

Very basically global warming turns green areas in dry desert.

Polar caps melt causing flooding. More damaging UV rays get through and destroy life.

I hope that is of some help.


Global warming causes life to flourish where it hasn't previously done so. In the distant past when the earth was much warmer than it is today and when the concentration of atmospheric CO2 was much higher there were no polar ice caps. Antarctica was a lush densely populated forest teaming with plants and animals.

Oil is the product of ancient decomposed life, right? Think of the reason there are oil fields on the northern most areas of alaska and in the polar seas north of those shores. Life flourished in those regions during warm periods of time.

It's global cooling that destroys flourishing life that should be worried about, not global warming. You should focus on the historical effects of global warming, climate, etc. as it points to a more accurate concept of what future global warming period could cause.

Most global warming alarmists will not even acknowledge any positive effect of global warming because it doesn't conform to their agenda. They focus on only the bad.

For an example of a good effect think of this:

The earth's surface is 70% covered with ocean. As the surface temperature warms so does the ocean. The ocean will release dissolved CO2 into the air as well as accelerated water evaporation. Water vapor is the number 1 greenhouse gas. Not only does it act like a blanket to hold thermal energy on the surface but white clouds also reflect solar radiation back into space. Clouds regulate temperature. global warming will cause rain to fall where it once didn't. Water + CO2 = more vegetation = more animals that eat vegetation = more animals that eat animals. Increasing density of vegetation becomes CO2 sinks (absorbing) and over a wide area of land dense vegetation can even alter climate. Think rain forests.

Global warming alarmists are simplistic in their reasoning because they are agenda driven. Their dire consequences of hot dry drought disease total destruction from high sea levels, destruction of life in oceans due to decreased salinity, destruction from massive violent weather just are not supported by geological and biological history. Mainly because the effects of global climate changes take several thousand years to even have a significant impact. For instance, if the planet were to warm 10 C tomorrow it would take many 1000s of years for ice to melt off antarctica to have any significant impact on sea level rise. It just doesn't happen that fast. It can't. These changes occur so slow it's ludacrice to believe we'd see any effects during our lifetimes. What we see are natural cyclic variations that occur all the time. None caused by human activity on a global scale. Our output is insignificant in comparrison to the whole picture. This human caused global warming BS is nothing more than agenda driven politics as nothing the proponents mandate we do will do anything to stop it.

There is no global warming, just naturally occurring climate change.

The only effect global warming is having is creating mass panic among the politicians working out just how much more tax they can get out of us by calling it a "GREEN TAX"

u can get ur answers in these sites below



Global warning- what is that.

Since there is no global warming, there isn't.


I just need a VERY brief description of the affects global warming has on: Mountains, forests/jungles, rivers/seas, and weather. Of course, I'll write the rest otherwise I'd be getting someone else to do my homework which isn't fair :P