> Is this even more of what we can expect from Green Energy?

Is this even more of what we can expect from Green Energy?

Posted at: 2015-03-12 

not up to the job, is it?

Apparenlty Byonce blew out the power twice in warm ups. If the greens can't even power a Beyonce concert, that tells you they aren't up to powering the rest of us. If you love the left, you have to love long lines, poor service, rotten health care, rotten power service, and rotting inner cities. They have a long history with a very poor record but we are supposed to ignore that and remember that they care more than the rest of us.

Do you have any clues as to how a power grid and an energy provider works? A power grid is fed by all electricity providers on the grid. An energy provider adds its generation to the grid. Even residential solar panels provide their excess capacity back onto the grid. Were you foolish enough to think that Green Mountain was providing all of the power to the Super Dome during the game? Green Mountain supplied 15,000 megawatts of renewable energy credits and not just to the event.

"Green Mountain Energy Company, the nation’s longest serving provider of green power, was selected to supply 15,000 megawatt hours of renewable energy certificates (RECs) to offset greenhouse gas emissions associated with the electricity used at the major NFL venues. These include Lucas Oil Stadium, site of Super Bowl XLVI, the Indiana Convention Center, site of the NFL Experience Football Theme Park, and all four of the major NFL hotels including the NFL Headquarters, the Super Bowl Media Center, and the AFC and NFC team hotels."

What did your second link have anything to do with this? .... OH!, I see.

"The blackout is certain to add to the legend of the Superdome. Some New Orleans residents believe the building is cursed because it was built near the old Girod Street Cemetery, which had fallen into disrepair. Some Saints fans believe this is why their team was unsuccessful for so long."

- The illiterate and misguided have the answer.

You know what's funny? Someone trying to blame a localised power outage on the entire system. If it was the green energy which was the problem, wouldn't the whole suburb or city have gone down as well? Why was it only the sport stadium which lost power?


"Michael Burns, a spokesman for Entergy Services, the local utility, said that his company’s distribution and transmission feeders that serve the Superdome were never interrupted. Power did not go out elsewhere in the city."

So that means it was a problem with the electrical system in the stadium itself, not the energy supply. Oh look, it even says that in THE ARTICLE YOU PROVIDED:

“A piece of equipment that is designed to monitor electrical load sensed an abnormality in the system. Once the issue was detected, the sensing equipment operated as designed and opened a breaker, causing power to be partially cut to the Superdome in order to isolate the issue."

so... are the denialists getting stupider or what???

Traditional transmission lines were designed for a one directional energy flow. Now you have DC conversion coming and going. It's going to be a challenge either way.

My guess, someone(s) did some back *** circuit installation. Just because a circuit opens doesn't mean much, other than circuit protection.

It will eventually get settled with some major changes to the grid and good distribution monitoring.

While this particular incident doesn't prove anything either way, it is a scientific fact that green energy from wind and solar is completely unreliable when it is dark, and the wind isn't blowing. How anyone can think such erratic, unreliable, intermittent power sources can ever provide base load power for the grid is beyond me. Usually when someone decides they want to "save the Planet" all logic and reason goes out the window: "nothing else matters!" Duh - yes, other things do matter: what will it profit you if "Saving the Planet" kills off humanity, or society as we know it?

Frankly, if my children are freezing to death in the dark, I couldn't give a rat's *** for the fate of the Polar Bear or the Panda!

Well this is a sign from corporate America is paying attention to people who care about the environment and climate change. It wasn't all that long ago that football began recognizing women's interest in the game, even to the point of including women as viewers in sports events, not just bringing in the pretzels. So the Superbowl's emphasis on green will stimulate more corporate interest in green. It wouldn't surprise me if advertisers who aren't known for a green philosophy, add some greening to their Superbowl spots. You heard it here first

Yep, pretty much.

Liberals are long on ideology, short on pragmatic talent.

They make great movies, but put them in the real world & it's Chimps leading the Retarded.

It looks like a step in the right direction to me.

Hey, get with the program. When you're in the business of saving the planet, nothing else much matters; science, performance, cost, etc. It only has to sound good to be good. I think somebody here has already said that.

You need some of these:



not up to the job, is it?