> I'm really afraid of global warming, is it likely to kill people in my lifetime?

I'm really afraid of global warming, is it likely to kill people in my lifetime?

Posted at: 2015-03-12 
Lexi is right. I design and build scientific and commercial instrumentation. This doesn't make me well informed on climate. I'm not. But it does expose me to some bits and pieces that I do understand well enough to worry, as well.

You can take the idea that it's all hopeless. So why try? But then, of course, if you don't try you certainly will not succeed in the end. In the end, trying may not matter, either. So it's no guarantee of anything. You don't get guarantees here. But there is one thing that is guaranteed: not trying leads to certain failure.

You can take the idea that the future is a long way off, is someone else's problem, or that it is too vague and too far away, anyway. So why bother? But there are very significant risks ahead. The insurance companies certainly understand this and are changing their plans as fast as they can to keep up. There is no question that this is already "here and now." Adaptation is already taking place. That bridge has been crossed. To mitigate risks, it pays to work at this now.

Either way, you can't give up.

Which brings us to "how much effect can one person really have?" A lot. You know people. Get them on board, as voters at the very least but also as participants where possible. You don't know how much of an effect you can have over your life. But you certainly won't have any effect if you don't work at it. So work at it. Learn what you can, share and communicate what you learn to others, allow your developing knowledge to impact some of what you do, say, and how you vote or participate in politics.

I am both pessimistic and optimistic. An understanding of how power and politics works argues strongly against enough happening until it is far, far too late and the changes afoot are so obvious by then that no one can debate it. But then the impacts will be so great upon the beautiful tapestry of life on Earth that the very infrastructure we humans require to survive will be unraveling and far far more difficult to reverse or even slow down that much. On the other hand, people are getting it and scientists communicating what they know better than before and shouldering some moral weight. It's not easy for them either as it's not normally what they should be doing and it interferes with their ability to do the work for which they were so well trained and want to continue. But sweeping changes are possible. And we have a great deal of still growing knowledge about the Earth and life on it that can be applied (hopefully with some skill of course and not ignorantly or with recklessness.)

Population is a serious problem. Humans and our domestic animals now occupy over 99% of the total mass of all land based vertebrates. It's an incredible thing to gather up, but it's where things are at. We dominate vertebrate life on this planet. We are NOT inconsequential or small. We have a huge impact on this planet. When I was growing up, the population of the planet was about three times smaller than it is now. And our footprint on it, very much smaller. We must find a way to equilibriate (and likely reduce) our populations or else little else will matter in the end. We are already exceeding consuming resources 30-40% faster than the sustaining rate. How we learn to equilibriate, I've no realistic idea. But either we will do it with intelligence or the Earth's natural systems will impose it upon us with much drama involved. Let no one tell you that population isn't a problem -- it most certainly is already too much for the Earth's systems, which are collapsing under our weight, not growing.

Yes, we are reaching and crossing over critical points even as we speak. And more by the day. But we can't stop trying. That's a certain path to destruction. We have to, and I expect at some point we will, develop the politics, democratization of power and control, and learn some important lessons. (Sadly, lessons learned on the backs of many innocent species that have already and will continue to depart because of our folly.)

I wish I could say your life will be as easy as mine. But I can say that it will be more interesting! And maybe a lot of that for the good. Sometimes, it's only when the chips are down and things are at their worse, that you get to find out who you really are and what you are capable of. And when you surprise yourself, you are proud of who you've become and cherish that. Look forward to the work ahead as a strengthening challenge that will make your generation better than mine, smarter and more generous and kind. I wish you the very best and my heart is with you.

Find people with whom you can work on ideas and actions. It's much better to be active and doing something interesting and productive. It'll take your mind off, too.

Too much is being made of "global warming" I have lived on this planet now for 55 years. Their is big hype about this, but it is going to happen unless people start doing the right things by nature and the environment. We all have to do our parts. I wouldn't let it ruin your life by stressing over it, as we have had snow etc and temps have been normal. What is going to happen, is to be. It is changing ever so slowly, and if it concerns you to the point of interfering with your day to day life....you need to stop it somehow. Just do not bring children into this world if you are concerned even for yourself. It is a political platform...and they use this for more funding....Don't fret so much and if you are concerned, get yourself involved with climate change issues and do something about it. It only takes one person to change something. All the best.

You have nothing to worry about sweetie, none of us do. Global warming is just a term the government and environmental organizations use to scare people to make radical changes that will benefit them and take away from us. Earth just goes through natural cycles and has done so since the beginning and will continue long after we are all gone.

i am in the same boat sister. I am in college and I am an environmental studies major, and i had these same concerns starting around senior year too and i dont think my course of study helps me much. But yea the world is in danger and there is no knowing how things are going to go we can only speculate. but just do what i am trying to do... understand that the world may not be that great so try to enjoy it while you can. No only do i hate the fact that this is the reality but i have also grown to hate humans and what we are and i myself have slipped into depression. If you feel that it is really bad maybe go to a counselor just to talk about it and get it off your chest because if you dont it can twist into crazy things in your head and who knows where that might lead. Just try to do what you can to help our planet, and use the negative energy you use to think about it and turn it into positive energy to fuel you to get out educate yours so you can educate others to try your hand in making it better. that is all we really can do

Quotes by H.L. Mencken, famous columnist: "The whole aim of practical politics is to keep the populace alarmed — and hence clamorous to be led to safety — by menacing it with an endless series of hobgoblins, all of them imaginary." And, "The urge to save humanity is almost always only a false face for the urge to rule it."

Go down to the store and get the movie "The Music Man" and you will see how con artists work. Substitute environmentalists with Harold Hill and see the similarity

Don't be afraid of tings that con artists ply you with. That is their intention.

"Fear is the most debilitating of all human emotions. A fearful person will do anything, say anything, accept anything, reject anything, if it makes him feel more secure for his own, his family's or his country's security and safety, whether it actually accomplishes it or not...."

"It works like a charm. A fearful people are the easiest to govern. Their freedom and liberty can be taken away, and they can be convinced to believe that it was done for their own good - to give them security. They can be convinced to give up their liberty - voluntarily."

—Gene E. Franchini, retired Chief Justice of the New Mexico Supreme Court

I wouldn't be afraid if I were you, you are more likely to be killed by religious fanatics then global warming.

Quotes by Sagebrush (a self proclaimed Christian and ardent AGW denier) :

"Execute all those who voted for OBAMA"

"Hire the handicapped, they are fun to watch!"

Relax......................those whom the Gods wish to destroy.................it will happen there will be more flooding and at the same time severe scacity of drinking water too!but we can act now evryone has his her part to play?

If you would quit listening to alarmists, then you wouldn't be so worried. Here are some facts for you:

Humans only add less than 1% of "the greenhouse effect" to our atmosphere


Temperature data for the past 140 years show a rise in temperatures from about 1905 to around 1940 of about 0.45 C degrees when human CO2 output was still relatively low. From around 1940 to 1975 global temperatures dropped by 0.1 C degrees when human CO2 output tripled around the globe during that time. To say that CO2 is driving temperatures up or down is a fallacy. The scares of a coming Ice Age were very prevalent during the 70s. (IPCC Temperature Records vs. CO2 Records)


Global temperatures have always varied.

“Arctic Temperatures – Recent research shows that the Arctic was 6 to 8 degrees higher 8000 years ago and that change occurred over a couple of decades.”

Dr. Ian Clark – Dept. of Earth Sciences


“1997 –1998 a major El Nino event occurred at low latitude and caused a one full degree (Celsius) spike in temperatures all around the world. A tremendous amount of water vapor was pumped up into the air during that time.” (Water vapor is a greenhouse gas and is the dominant greenhouse gas that drives temperatures)

Professor Tim Patterson – Dept. of Earth Sciences, Univ. of Carlton


The warming that they talk about is from 1880 to present which amounts to less than 0.8 C. If the whole planet's temperature can rise by 1 whole degree and totally return to normal in less than 2 years, then a 0.8 C rise over 140 years is nothing. The climate has always changed.


2 billion people live without electricity and 4 million children die every year because of dysentery diseases. They can't purify their water. These kids die because of the scare of "Global Warming" and environmentalists keep them from getting electricity and modern conveniences like hot-water tanks and filter systems.


These are the facts and they are undeniable!

It's very unlikely to cause any harm for many generations.

Me too its so scary but its ok for now nothing ever happens to us only to the people of future just remember that ok i feel your pain im going insane thinking about dieing

I'm a seventeen year old girl about to go off to college, but I'm not looking forward to the future. I've always been concerned about the environment but lately all these scientists are saying we have reached the point of no return.

I don't want to grow up in a world with no snow, no food, and overpopulation. I watched this documentary about how the world will be in 2100 and even though I doubt I'll live that long, the world in 2050 is far from ideal either.

I don't want to sound ridiculous but this is messing with my mind so much it's starting to interfere with my daily life and my ability to enjoy it. What are your opinions on this?

there are optimists and pessimists. Be one that sees opportunity with problems. There will be many opportunities, from building dams, repairing storm damage to studying environment and creating new food sources.

So basically for your entire life the average global temperature has been the same despite a substantial increase in man made Co2. I wouldn't sweat it myself. Catastrophic Anthropogenic Global Warming is a hoax.


No need to worry young lady, global warming is a UN scam.

People are always complaining about the poles moving and such... News flash! that's been happening for Millions of years!!!

Well if theres nothing you can do about it then why worry. I personally hope the crap hits the fan. It would be really exciting.

No snow ????? Looked out of your window lately?

Its a made up scam so it cant hurt you .