> HEY!! How can we prevent global warming from getting worse, or how can we stop it completely??? PLEASE READ?

HEY!! How can we prevent global warming from getting worse, or how can we stop it completely??? PLEASE READ?

Posted at: 2015-03-12 
We all need to reduce our carbon footprint. As previously stated, drive less, bike

Also conserve electricity by turning off light and electronics that aren't in use

Don't waste food

Conserve water as global warming / climate change is heating the Earth and depleting water resources

vote for green legislators as well as environmentally conscious local politicians


Firstly, Global Warming, just like Ice Ages, is a natural process that the earth goes through in cycles, and this isn't the first Global warming incident, contrary to what a great many people think. Global warming isn't even a bad thing, necessarily. However, the current global warming we are going through is not quite as natural as the previous ones have been, and the effects are worse, varying directly with human interference.

As humans have revolutionized, created technology, electricity, engines, and power plants, we have added a considerable amount of Greenhouse gases to the environment, to the atmosphere. This increase in greenhouse gases is leading to the melting of the polar ice caps because more ice is melting than is refreezing.

To prevent Global warming from getting worse there are several things to do, most of which involve 'Making a Greener Planet' and 'Reducing our Carbon footprint' You can look up how to do that pretty easily on the web. Basics include; using cars less, or using more energy efficient cars; recycling; turn off unused lights and appliances etc.

To stop it completely, to reverse the effects (sort of) we would need to find a way to get Carbon Dioxide, Methane, and other greenhouse gases to be taken out of the atmosphere, without harming plants that require Co2 to 'breathe'

Another problem presented with 'ending' global warming are things as simple as cow gas (farts). Cows burping and farting habits produce a large percentage of the Methane in today's atmosphere. To really stop Global Warming, you would have to find a way to prevent that methane from getting into the atmosphere, and then use it in some other way, along with a number of other factors that contribute daily to the Greenhouse gases in our atmosphere.

The cause of glaciers melting is not through human global warming, it is through natural cycles.

If AGW was the cause, Earths temperature would continue to climb the way that CO2 continues to climb, but it is not, (no rise in Earth temperatures in the last 16yrs) in fact it is beginning to cool again, and glaciers will start to grow again.

Before you look for ways to stop global warming you should find if it is actually happening.

1)Drive less. Take bikes, walk or carpool whenever possible.


Consider investing in a hybrid or electric vehicle to help prevent against further global warming.

feed the algae in the southern ocean some iron. it will affect disrupt undersea currents, causing a worldwide temperature drop. Put a damn across the straits of Gibraltar for the same effect.

Also the Antarctic was only tropical when it was near the equator. due to continental drift it moved to the poles.

Is this Al posting all of the global warming fairy tale.

The earth has been cooling for the last 16 years. If you have been getting a loss of glaciers during that time, it is obviously not due to Global Warming.

I am gonna be blunt, there is nothing you or I can do since it's not a real threat but rather a natural earth process.

Use clean energy sources, such as solar, wind and nuclear power.


Me and my friend are doing a science presentation and we need to explain how we can help solve/prevent the percent of glaciers melting from getting worse. The cause of glaciers melting is global warming and we need to know how we can prevent global warming from getting any worse. Please help us! Best answer gets five stars!!

You need to get the facts straight first and foremost.

1) Temperature data for the past 140 years show a rise in temperatures from about 1905 to around 1940 of about 0.45 C degrees when CO2 output was still relatively low. From around 1940 to 1975 global temperatures dropped by 0.1 C degrees when CO2 output tripled around the globe during that time. To say that CO2 is driving temperatures up or down is a fallacy. The scares of a coming Ice Age were very prevalent during the 70s. - IPCC Temperature Records vs. CO2 Records

2) “Arctic Temperatures – Recent research shows that the Arctic was 6 to 8 degrees higher 8000 years ago and that change occurred over a couple of decades.” - Dr. Ian Clark – Dept. of Earth Sciences

3) “Satellite temperature data shows an imperceptible rise in temperature over the past 30 years.” - Professor Tim Patterson – Dept. of Earth Sciences, Univ. of Carlton

“Balloons are sent in the air twice a day and all over the world and they are in near perfect correlation with satellite data.” - Dr. Robert C. Balling – Former Director, Office of Climatology (U. of Az)

4) “The “Greenhouse Gas Theory” is very clear on what should happen in the upper atmosphere (troposphere) during ‘Global Warming’. - ‘When the surface temperatures rise then the upper air in the atmosphere (mid-troposphere) should warm rapidly.’ There is no dramatic change in the upper or middle troposphere.” - Dr John Christy – Atmospheric Physicist, Earth System Science Center, NSSTC, University of Alabama and Lead author of IPCC Report

5) “Climate Change hysteria is driven by computer models and not reality. Reality shows that temperatures are not warming like the computer models show.” - Dr. Patrick J. Michaels – University of Virginia

“All of the models (every one of them) calculates that the warming should be faster as you go up from the surface into the atmosphere. And in fact, the maximum warming over the equator should take place at an altitude of about 10 kilometers.” - Dr. Fred Singer – Atmospheric Scientist, Emeritis – George Mason Univ.

You need to do better research on your project and understand that "Natural Climate Variability" has over 99% control over our planet. Humans are responsible for less than 1% of the total "Greenhouse Effect".

There are a number of ways we could reduce outputs of man-made CO2 or capture /sequester CO2 already in the atmosphere/oceans and lower CO2 levels to earlier levels. Merely slowing or stopping the output of CO2 that people produce in various forms will not necessarily stop global warming since CO2 can remain in the atmosphere for decades. We would need to come up with means to capture and reduce what is already in the air.

Some proposals are seeding the oceans with iron fillings which promotes the growth of photoplankton which capture excess CO2. Other methods include capturing/burying CO2 in deep wells or sea floors, Injecting liquid CO2 into oil wells to increase their output, installing synthetic trees which capture CO2 1000 times faster than real trees, converting CO2 into biofuels which are carbon-neutral or negative, chicken egg membranes hold 7 times their weight in CO2 and could be used to capture/sequester it, etc.. The US Navy is developing plans to use hydrogen from sea water and CO2 to make fuels for it 's needs...others have plans to make biofuels from CO2 using bacteria.



Another critical and related factor is solar output from the sun which varies in cycles every 11 years or so and possibly over longer orbital cycles as well. According to some research, we may be entering a cycle around 2015 where solar flare/sunspots output is reduced which will in turn lead to global cooling effects and possibly a small ice age.There's also no guarantee that the next solar cycle will last as long as others...it could be shorter or longer. If that does occur, then we would in fact be better off by allowing more CO2 in the air to warm the planet and prevent some areas from getting too cold or lead to deaths from crop failures.

Then there is the issue of trapped, frozen forms of methane called hydrates or clathrates in Arctic areas and the ocean floors..if the Earth warms too much in Arctic areas or ocean floors, those methanes could melt and be released in huge amounts which would increase global warming in much faster terms since methane is a much more potent greenhouse gas than CO2. It doesn't really matter if the Arctic areas were once warmer and once had plant life as some suggest since methane clathrates that are trapped and frozen now would be released if the Arctic warms too much...those deposits are the result of previous plant and animal life at the poles. The evidence of large species of plant life at the poles indicates they were once located in more temperate areas since such plants like palm trees, etc.. could not grow in the Arctic regions without sunlight for months on end. The evidences of such plants and animals shows that the Earth experienced a roll of about 35-40 degrees from it 's former position or large scale continental drift over time....the areas on Earth which once had abundant plant and animal life are now located at the poles. A researcher named Charles Hapgood once proposed a "Earth crustal displacement theory" for this to occur which has been refuted but other models or theories could be valid. Ancient sea maps like the Piri Re'is based on earlier maps show Antartica when it was ice free within human history.

On the other hand, if Arctic melting sends a lot more fresh water into the northern oceans, it would disrupt or shut down the conveyor belt of warm water flowing northwards from the Gulf of Mexico/Eastern US which warms Europe and could in turn lead to cooling effects in some areas of Europe or possibly globally.

So the whole climate system and current warming may balance itself out over time or be altered in other ways depending on how things turn out....global warming leads to arctic ice melting which in turn leads to frozen methanes being released which in turn leads to more warming/faster melting which in turn sends more Arctic fresh water into the northern oceans which in turn shuts down the oceanic conveyor belt which in turn leads to more cooling and slows or stops methane release... and reduced solar inputs around 2015 or so also leads to more cooling effects.

As sea levels rise from global warming, they will cover more area and flood over land which exposes more surface area of water to evaporate which in turn alters climate in various areas and leads to more rainfall/flooding along with more water vapor in the atmosphere which induces more warming effects. A large volcanic event or small nuclear war could also lead to more cooling effects by blocking sunlight....deforestation also plays a part by reducing the number of trees/plants that absorb CO2.

All these various factors and others play a part in how the global climate will be affected in the future....whether we can devise economical plans and methods to address them effectively remains a question.

You can't.

It is a natural process of the planetary cycle.

Note that it is a proven fact that the antarctic was previously TROPICAL, based on plant fossils found there.