> What would happen if Earth was colder?

What would happen if Earth was colder?

Posted at: 2015-03-12 
If there was a 5 degree C drop in global temperature what would happen?

Air Conditioner Business would go kaput

Well a 5c drop is not much less than the 8c average drop that is thought go with a glacial period, in those, glaciers expand and sea level falls and the water is stored in the glaciers, a process that takes many many thousands of years to happen.

At the last glacial maximum glaciers extend well down into Europe and the U.S. as chanted by one of our denier regulars "thousands of feet thick in New York" a gross exaggeration as the glacial edges in this region were only a few hundred feet high, but then deniers do like to embellish, as I recall he also claims Cro Magnon man melted the glaciers when he invented fire, interesting as Cro Magnon man was only around in the last 43,000 years, while there is solid evidence our ancestor (Homo-Erectus) was using fire at least 125,000 years ago and pretty good evidence that he may have used it as long ago as 400,000 years. Even with the lesser figure you are back to the period before the last glacial even started.

But little things like facts and evidence don't seem to worry deniers who simply invent story's


But on your question if we where 'some how' 5c colder you would see a drop in sea level probably greater than the rise we are currently seeing from just a 0.8c rise in temperature, most glaciers are currently retreating but if it where 5c colder they would slowly but surely advance, not a quick process the glaciers at the end of the last ice age are thought to have taken thousands of years and based on the slower decent back into glacial periods it is thought glaciers reform much more slowly, taking roughly twice as long to reform.

In more recent history there is the Little ice age which saw regional cooling in Europe and a few other regions but that was still covered by seasonal effects there where still Summers, Winters where colder and the Thames river in the U.K. is known to have frozen during several of these Winters, Solar activity and several rather powerful volcanoes probably contributed to cause the effect.

An average 5c colder would mean our earth would be heading into an ice age, there would be widespread damage to agriculture, millions would die of famine, deserts would start advancing.

Not a good prospect at all.

Instead of a threat of a 70 metre rise in sea level, we would have a threat of a 200 metre rise in sea level. Places in danger of being flooded by rising sea levels would include Atlantis, the farmland east of Miami and the land bridge between Siberia and Alaska.

Nothing much. A few animals an creatures might move habitats

God would not let that happen.

It would drastically screw up agriculture

most of us would die

Sh*t will go down

If there was a 5 degree C drop in global temperature what would happen?