> Here we go again? More alarmism from CO2 emissions?

Here we go again? More alarmism from CO2 emissions?

Posted at: 2015-03-12 
Yes, it is ever more elusive, but the real target is not 2020 but 2050 and later.

It should be correctly labelled as impossible. Poorer countries do not wish to stay poor to appease environmentalists. Chinese CO2 emissions are increasing. Indian CO2 emissions are increasing.

China alone accounts for more emissions that scientists are declaring a safe level. and the amount is increasing. So instead of focusing on emissions cuts and subsidies and mandates, the focus should be on developing energy so cheaply that China would wish to adopt it.

Added atmospheric heat melts ice and warms seawater. Heat migrates from 'hot' to 'cold'. That's why warm beer in your beer cooler gets cold. The heat from the beer migrates to the ice causing the ice to melt as it absorbs that heat. The same thing happens to your car's engine. As the fuel burns it creates heat up to several hundred degrees. The coolant in the radiator absorbs this heat and in turn gives it up to the surrounding atmosphere. Run the radiator dry via a leak and within minutes the engine will grind to a halt.

True enough, the 'atmosphere's' heat index hasn't shot up very much, but that's only because the Earth has a massive heat sink in its oceans and ice fields. Like the beer in your ice chest will stay cold as long as there's ice in the chest, the atmospheric heat index will rise slowly as long as there's ice to melt. Of course even a slight rise in atmospheric heat will change climate...more in some places, less in others, but the climate WILL change.

Here is who Achim Steiner is:

He worked both at grassroots level as well as at the highest levels of international policy-making to address the interface between environmental sustainability, social equity and economic development.

I realize those are great qualifications to alarmists but to those who aren't too happy with Marxism, they are suspicious. They simply reflect who he probably is, a statist. Being a statist doesn't mean he is necessarily wrong but it does make his motivation questionable to those who aren't totally brain washed.

Gryph calls it a bold face "lie" that temps have been flat for 17 years. He is calling the majority of the scientific community liars. If he would back away from his cult for a few minutes, he might be able to see things a little more clearly.


"Another important factor, Steiner said, is international financial support for developing countries to build renewable energy sources."

That is such a bad idea on multiple levels that I find it hard to take UNEP seriously on anything other than they're trying to build new office buildings, get better cars for their fleet, expand their staff and increase their travel and expense budgets.

As a matter of fact, I'm so concerned about this that I'm writing to my MP to ask how much of my money goes to the UN and how we are verifying what it is being used for.

"The minute we have to begin to deploy technologies that the market simply cannot sustain, it is the taxpayer who will have to step in," Steiner said.

I really have a problem with my money going to people who can't be held accountable for what they do with it. That's called charity and I like to voluntarily give to my favorite charity.


Edit: You call that alarmism? That's light. This is full blown alarmism: http://ngm.nationalgeographic.com/2013/0...


Edit2: My apologies to National Geographic for the full blown alarmism comment. That's peanuts. I just experienced hyper-alarmism about CO2. But don't worry I'm okay although I did wrench my back a bit falling off my chair laughing.

"The world is probably at the start of a runaway Greenhouse Event which will end most human life on Earth before 2040." http://arctic-news.blogspot.ca/2013/09/a...

You can't make this stuff up. Wow.

Perhaps you should pay attention to your link, rather than denigrating it.

<"Yet temperatures are flat going on 17yrs>

No,they aren't.


It's not called a law because laws are simple equations.

You mean it looks like this?


Carbon dioxide is not the only thing that influences temperature.



I doubt that they are saying anything like that. Se my link above.

If one consistently ignores scientific reality, then sooner or later reading any news-article will appear to be alarmist.

Evolution deniers will get very upset every single time there's a news-article about flu vaccines, paleontology or animal behavior, chemtrail believers will get upset every single time a picture of a chemtrail is published but not described as such, Flat Earthers will write angry Letters to the Editor arguing satellites are nothing but a Big Hoax and climate science deniers shout 'alarmism' every single time an actual scientific find backs up earlier predictions which they denied.

Edit @ Zippi:


Because it is a Scientific Theory, genius, not to be confused with a normal theory you and I can have! Scientific Theories are way better than Scientific Laws.

From Berkeley's 'How Science Works' page:

"Occasionally, scientific ideas (such as biological evolution) are written off with the putdown "it's just a theory." This slur is misleading and conflates two separate meanings of the word theory: in common usage, the word theory means just a hunch, but in science, a theory is a powerful explanation for a broad set of observations. To be accepted by the scientific community, a theory (in the scientific sense of the word) must be strongly supported by many different lines of evidence. So biological evolution is a theory (it is a well-supported, widely accepted, and powerful explanation for the diversity of life on Earth), but it is not "just" a theory. "


...says the kid who doesn't know Scientific Theories are way above Scientific Laws. LMAO.

The global temperature hasn't increased in 15 years and the ice caps have increased by record amounts the last 2years.

The comments section is revealing, normal people are very against this eco religious drivel.

It will soon be pantomime season here in the UK. So I can now say: "Oh, yes it is!"

It seems we are getting hammered with more bad news.

The global average temperature has only gone up 0.7C (I believe it is lower at this point in time) in 150 years and alarmism is begging for more attention.


Temps have not been flat. That statement is a bold faced lie!!!!!! What has been flat is the global mean temperature which would be the average temp over 133 years...Not the same thing

If you can't quote the original source, you don't post quotations. Once again that is plagarixm