> Who has done the most to get America to address global warming?

Who has done the most to get America to address global warming?

Posted at: 2015-03-12 
Michael Crichton did a good job explaining so-called "global warming" to the masses, as well as the good works of Anthony Watts who runs the informative web site http://wattsupwiththat.com Richard Lindzen does great work with the actual objective global warming science, and of course Dr. Judith Curry also adds to the list of prestigious scientists. These people have done more than their fair share addressing so-called "global warming"

Probably Hansen. What makes him a commie? You and Jello live in an alternate, non fact-based universe.

Wow what a motley bunch, I am surprised he did not add (upside down proxy) Michael E Mann.

But you left out Neil De Grasse Tyson, who's contribution was to learn a script and act it out on television.

While I don't agree with you, I'd support restoring your answer, but I'm not sure if there is a way I could do that.

Humanity will be judged by the words of Jesus. Obey them, seek God alone for truth, no man, church, family

I gotta go with Beevis and Butthead on that one for their alarmists-like science knowledge.


I know this is a repeat question, but my answer was vaporised. I wonder who else was? So I will open it up to all and hope those malcontents who are afraid of the truth will control themselves. It is apparent that they support the admitted liar Al Gore. Strike one. Bill Nye, the science lie. Strike two. Jimmy the commie Hansen. Strike three.