> How many deniers of science here had heard of anthropogenic climate change before Exxon Mobil's front groups started

How many deniers of science here had heard of anthropogenic climate change before Exxon Mobil's front groups started

Posted at: 2015-03-12 
Probably none. Most think that global warming was invented by Al Gore for his movie.

Right - You should prove all of those oil loving, phoux news, lying republicans global warming is real. You should publish the predicted climate for 6 months from now, 1 year, 2 years, 5 years and every 5 years for the next 100 years. When everyone sees just how right you are, those oil loving basturds will look like the fools they are.

I don't know. I do know that some of the same people now pushing global warming were claiming that we were going to be entering an ice age in the mid 70's due to air pollution which was bad at the time.

I suggest you read the entire attached article before you continue to push an idea that seems to be proven false more and more every day.


Just remember this, science is NOT based on consensus or falsified data that meets with a political agenda. It is based on solid theory and more importantly, facts that hold up to scrutiny.

The term goes back at least to the 1970s when it applied to the concern of global cooling.

And how many deniers of reality are distracting us with this silliness, while the religion of piece is burning people alive, burying them alive, skinning them alive and cutting 5 year old children in half, while planning the next act of their play on the stage of the United States?

Please, take your liberal bull crap off of this board and let's all focus on the real and actual problems that confront our country.

I don't think many of us have hear of anthropogenic anything.