> If the Koch brothers stopped funding global warming deniers?

If the Koch brothers stopped funding global warming deniers?

Posted at: 2015-03-12 
What would they all do?

Head down to mommy's basement and play games?

What would Junkscience do?

Run a porn site?

Your answer is better formulated than the question:

1) The Koch's did not become multibillionaires by funding anti-science nitwits like those infesting YA.

2) Even top level deniers are not heavily funded by the likes of Koch Bros or their fronts like Heartland.

3) Most of the key top level anti-scientists work (or worked - most are approaching or past geezerdom) for government funded universities.

4) What Koch and their money launderers DO do is fund re-election campaigns of Congressmembers who PANDER to the nitwits by reassuring them that science is a hoax, and who publicize and support the top-level traitor-to-science scientists.

Why is that a concern as to this subject? No matter who is giving what to any cause does not make it the truth or a lie. You can't change the laws of Physics by merely throwing a chunk of money at the subject.

Your question just proves how you think. You adhere to Goebbels' ideas and are afraid of the truth.

Joseph Goebbels,