> Is global warming really happening?

Is global warming really happening?

Posted at: 2015-03-12 
im undecided in these issue.

Ignore the nonsense of global warming denislists, Global warming is happening


And we are causing it


The ten warmest years in the instrumental record are 2010, 2005, 2009, 2007, 2002, 1998, 2006, 2003, 2011 and 2012.


No their is no global warming is not happening .It was just a big scam to make some people very rich . Although a lot of them have been busted for embezzlement , none of them have actually been busted for the scam they ran . The scam as you know has been run by a lot of politicians and other world leaders to build programs that do not even come close to what you thought would be done with the BILLIONs of dollars the USA and world has given this people to make those feel good who gave.

Summertime usually indicates that the planet warms. It's about 110 F warmer in the summer (high) than winter (low). Check your implications besides news sources and "dreamed up" climate models. Climate science is the culprit of the scare of Global Warming.

History shows that it was (and still is) a political issue. Margaret Thatcher wanted nuclear energy to be the United Kingdom's main energy source back in the late 80s. She offered money to prove humans were causing the planet to warm. It was the birth of the IPCC. The IPCC was suppose to be the authority on climate change and Global Warming. They keep curtailing their predictions of more future warming.

The Planet is 4.5 billion years old. The Industrial Revolution is barely 150 years old and since the beginning of it, our average temperature has risen less than 0.8C and is currently falling. They know that temperatures in the Arctic have been 10C higher and that the planet goes through its ebbs and flows of temperature change.

Try and decide on that evidence. Climate science seems to think CO2 is directly related to temperature increases when history shows a different story.

Big business will try and tell you its not happening because they don't want to spend any money doing anything about it. They also said the same thing about the ozone layer If you look at the statistics the average temperatures are rising and the polar ice caps are shrinking

No. It's all in your head. This is all a dream. No one even knows what you're talking about. I don't even know what you're talking about -and I know far more than any of you silly mortals. YOU don't even know what you're talking about. This is an elaborate hoax made up by "Them" to screw with your head. They made you dream this. None of it is actually happening. Be careful with this information however. We can't have "Them" finding out that you know their secret. I suggest you escape in the middle of the night -approximately 2:04 am. Hop on the first train that will take you to The Old Country. Once you are there, you can be free. DO NOT LET THEM FIND OUT THAT YOU KNOW ANY OF THIS. Boy, aren't you glad you dreamt me up?


No. It's Full of Sh*t. There's only 0.038% carbon in the air, the people are acting like theres 50%, its all bullshi*t.

Yes, and think about who would want you to think it wasn't

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im undecided in these issue.