> Do you realize that this 25 year girl who will talk about Global Warming hasn't lived a day that Global warming has

Do you realize that this 25 year girl who will talk about Global Warming hasn't lived a day that Global warming has

Posted at: 2015-03-12 
From your link :

" ... “I was inspired by the concept that the ocean is almost eating, or swallowing our dead in a sense. There is profound sadness and a profound helplessness about that. It is so sad, we have no control over it; it is the ocean that is taking it over. That is what inspired me; that is what moved me deeply.” ... "

How many trees, plants, or animals has she swallowed over her entire narrow-minded life-span?

Environmentalists don't understand why Carbon and/or CO2 in the carbon cycle are very important. When anything dies, science knows that any human, plant, animal, or any other organism doesn't take anything with them. They only contribute back what gave them life in the first place.

"Climate clowns" (environmental climate scientists and environmentalists in general) should give back all CO2 they have taken from the world, because CO2 has no purpose in their lives.

She's been "duped" by the media and the Governments around the world!

This is what will happen. Finally the gov will figure something out so the CO2 is less but things will continue to melt and water rise. After they have starved the plants they will then blame another green house gas and it will be a whole new witch hunt. Sorry but ice will melt. The last well second last global warming melted all of greenlands ice. The last that everyone seems to think we are just starting to living finished a lot less hotter then the one before it so maybe all of Greenlands ice won't melt.

Don't worry, the Reptilians will take care of her reality. She is too young for you anyway.

The UN summit on climate change that she will be an opening act for is a meeting to discuss climate change and not acting to implement sensible policies. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/2014_United...

It has not much more to do with science than your last 1000 posts here, e.g. nada.

As much as I like pissing you denialists off by using the GISS dataset, even RSS shows that Earth has been warming in the last 25 years, and it wasn't the Sun.


Well we could look at the data:


It's not immediately obvious how they came to their conclusions; could you, perhaps, spell it out for us?

I realize you're lying

No, I have a decent understanding of quantum physics, heat transfer, and statistics.

When "science" can't show it's true with accurate forecasts or mathematical equations, an emotional little girl who cries is the next best thing. Next she'll be used to advocate for a Big Foot Forest Preserve.

With the planet warmer than it was 100 years ago .

more nonsense from the anti-science crowd



A hyphenated name. Gee I am surprised, another brain dead liberal