> Do the global warming fanatics really want cheap clean energy?

Do the global warming fanatics really want cheap clean energy?

Posted at: 2015-03-12 
No they do not want cheap clean energy. Clean energy is a smokescreen because they want more expensive energy. The green religion calls for people to make do with less. Consumerism is the enemy.

If wind and solar had become the dominant sources of energy, they would now have formed an organization that produced scientific reports detailing how this energy was depriving Nature and we were interfering with the natural order. They would recommend we instead use remains of dinosaurs buried deep underground to power society. Objections that it is very expensive to remove this dirty energy from the ground would be ignored, and they would claim that there is no cost, and in fact would produce lots of jobs.

I think most would. I know there is a large segment of environmentalists that are against corporations, manufacturing and economic progress in general. There are some that are also in favour of population control and hope that half the world's population gets wiped out (of course they would never sacrifice themselves for this supposed greater good because they are all far too important. Some of them even have jobs). For the most part though I think alrarmists care about the Earth and want clean energy.

As for this reactor, I'll believe it when I see it working on a commercial level.

This would be a huge leap forward for mankind, a complete change of the world as we know it.

With this energy, feeding 15 billion would not be a problem, not that I expect 15 billion people, if this happens, as prosperity would increase education would increase and probably the birth rate drop.

Desalination would solve the worlds water shortage, food could be grown indoors, space exploration more probable.

I cannot imagine anyone not liking this, perhaps those wanting world government would be dissapointed and extreme lefty's as they would not have any argument against capitalism.

I can't imagine a (huge respected) company like Lockheed Martin announcing something like this, if it was not feasible, for sure there will be problems and delays, but it looks like our children and grandchildren will be living in a whole new world, maybe there won't even be a need for wars anymore.

I think fusion is just a matter of time. It is the power of the sun at our fingertips. Based on their past, I am guessing most alarmists won't like this one bit. Can you imagine the industry that could be conducted with this. They would have a hard time taxing it. They would have to tax it per molecule.

If it works, and if it doesn't have some sort of significant downside that we can't see yet (eg a tendency to explode), then I'm all for it. Cheap, clean energy would be wonderful.

I'm not yet convinced that it will work, but time will tell. Once they get solid, verifiable results, I wish them all the best of luck in replacing all of our dirty coal generators with fusion reactors.

Duh. If Lockheed can deliver, then they could save whatever small portion of America is left in 20 years. That said, the technology is too important to be left in the hands of a single corporation. It should be seized and developed by the federal government, and then distributed world-wide by the UN. And it should be given to developing nations first. China and India aren't as addicted to fossil fuels as the west is, and their infrastructures will be easier to adapt.

It's the 21st century of alchemy. We should be building more nuclear power plants if we are serious about reducing carbon

these are the slothful ones who are the avowed enemies of God and man-the servants of the NOTHING!

Not at all

Lockheed Martin’s Skunk Works announced that they are going to build a compact fusion reactor.

"The proposed compact fusion reactor (CFR) is conceptually safer, cleaner and more powerful than much larger, current nuclear systems that rely on fission. Governments and industry have poured billions of dollars into fusion research for half a century with little success. Can Lockheed's vaunted engineers succeed where armies of PhDs have failed? If so, the arguments over energy, the environment and de-industrialization are over―or are they?"


