> Why are climate change supporters so afraid of good questions?

Why are climate change supporters so afraid of good questions?

Posted at: 2015-03-12 
Why do they have to resort to cheating tactics like moving categories, or flagging good questions, are they deperate because they thinks the skeptics are winning?

Their primary mission seems to be protect the Cause no matter what. If this were really about science, I doubt that they would behave that way.

When you have a losing cause, that is your only method to succeed. CHEAT! These greenies are not bright enough to see that they are admitting that their theory is pure trash when they resort to childish tricks like that.

It says a lot about those types of individuals. When they can't keep up with true scientists they merely cheat. And that is how they got their high school diploma. That is how they go through life. Cheat! Then when cheating doesn't work they throw a tantrum, like change categories, vaporize questions and answers, call people liars without substance, just to name a few tactics. It is self evident that these are fools wrapped in ignorance. They are childish at best. That is the nicest thing you can say about them.

One of the most vicious troublemakers is Peggy. She whines and cries when people are offended by her dirty tactics, both covert and overt. They are disgusted by her actions and fight back in a legitimate way. All she would have to do is apologize and they would lift their ban. But then she would lose her impressive stature with her kindergarten class. So she goes on tantrums and vaporizes and calls people liars and says she has a PhD. (Maybe so it it stands for Pretty Heavy Drinker) She is a great example of the lame supporters of the big scam who I affectionately call greenies.

Then you have Baccy Baby. He has been caught in more lies than I have time to uncover. His most stupid one was to challenge the integrity of the scientists in Maxx's movie. He said than not one of those scientists believed in what they stated in the movie. Well that was an easy one. All you had to do was go on the site with the 31,000 scientists and bwala there were several who signed a document that put the lie to his challenge. Ha! Ha! Ha! Ha! It is unbelievable that anyone could be that stupid. Yet he sets himself up as a judge, jury and executioner. I wish I could buy him for what he is worth and sell him for what he thinks he is worth. I would share the proceeds with fellow true scientists and we would all be richer than Al Gore.

One who hasn't answered this question but is a big troublemaker is Jeff M, the great chart maker. The problem is that he has so many charts out there that contradict each other and he can't keep track of them. I caught him red handed vaporizing my questions. Y!A diminished his 'trusted' status for that. I could go on, but he is a new father and has enough troubles. He should stay off this site until he has a more clear head.

I'm not afraid of good questions. Good questions can be answered by science.

In fact, the best way to tell if anything is true is by seeing whether it can withstand tough questions. I find it funny that people who believe in the Bible are afraid of questions about Cain's wife.

The answer to the question about Cain's wife is that Adam and Eve were not only the only humans on Earth, they were genetically perfect. Being the only humans on Earth made incest necessary. Because they were genetically perfect, there was no risk of abnormalities because of such incest.

My answer and experience is that proponents of climate change are not at all afraid of good questions.

However, there really aren't many "good" questions here in this category compared to some years ago, most seem agenda driven (primarily political) or people looking for help with their homework. Sadly, many questions overlook basic science-deliberately or otherwise-or reflect premises that have been explained quite thoroughly many times. It seems that much of the time people who come here to ask or answer questions are just looking for a fight-you see that a lot on the internet, of course, but it would be hard to argue that a considerable portion of the content here is not generated by people who just have axes to grind, and they can be quite nasty about it. Many of their compatriots-who are often regulars here in this category-jump on the bandwagon too...it doesn't take long to see the pattern of behavior emerge, and it has been going on for a very long time.

I still come here from time to time-usually checking in once a day or on work breaks to see if there is any useful information here but it is a pretty rare occurrence to find anything of value. There is primarily a small group of regulars who apparently spend their days venting spleen rather than doing anything truly productive with their time. I doubt that it is necessary to name names-I personally picture them mostly as powerless, doddering and foolish old men who are failed or failing in one respect or another and need to take it out on others.

Why someone like me would find that anything other than cheap entertainment is something of a question...even to me. I'm not even sure why I keep coming back here at this juncture...maybe it is a reminder of what could happen to me if I would begin to behave in real life like some people who come here.

As far as the descriptive term "climate change supporters" there really isn't a good name for people who believe that climate change is being accelerated by mankind's activities. The bulky "proponent" perhaps came closest and the simpler "warmer or warmist" seemed a relatively innocuous option to me.

They don't like to have their beliefs challenged, and more importantly, they don't want others to have their minds changed by counterarguments. They prefer to hide the dissenting voices. It is common at blogs like RealClimate, Tamino, Skeptical Science, and others. We have seen Hey Dook go off on rants every time he sees such skeptical questions.

There are no "climate change supporters", there are those that believe in science, and those that reject it--usually for political reasons.

I'm certainly not "afraid" of good questions (or even bad ones). The people I see that are afraid are Maxx, Dr Jello and Cyclops, and what they're afraid of are good answers. They won't let people like me answer their questions. Jim Z and Ottawa Mike also don't want people looking at their questions and answers and hide them. You might consider that if someone is blocked by a person, they can't answer or comment on ANY of the answers to the question, so the only thing they may be able to do is edit the category--it is their only means of free expression.

I am not keen on questions that contain basic lies. If you want to see examples of those, almost all of Dr Jello's recent questions are based on lies, and as far as I'm concerned, YA should delete them all and delete his account, and they could do the same thing for Maxx. These are people that basically allowed to lie and slander other people with impunity.

EDIT: It is amusing that Dr Jello says "The believers can't win an argument based on facts..." when in fact he BLOCKS people from answering his questions. Yes, it's very hard to win an argument based on facts when you're not allowed to present them!

The believers can't win an argument based on facts since so-called "global warming" is an emotional issue. Since it isn't a science ( no one knows if it will be warmer or colder in 5 years, they're just guessing ) they have use intimidation and bullying tactics to sway their argument. I'm glad there are many courageous people on this blog who are willing to stand up to these eichmanns to get the truth out.

What is a climate change supporter? Who supports climate change?

This is a private website. The owner of the site sets the rules. This question is regarding YA and has nothing to do with Climate Change and should be moved. YA will likely move it to where it belongs. My suggestion is that you read the YA guidelines. This is a Q/A site. It is not meant for ignorant ranting.

Chicken Little once said, "The sky is falling".

Why do they have to resort to cheating tactics like moving categories, or flagging good questions, are they deperate because they thinks the skeptics are winning?

Warmers are intolerant of those who do not follow their religion.

this question is in the wrong category. learn how to use YA

I haven't seen a good question from a climate change denier, so I don't see what you are talking about.