> Another frigid air mass is going to cover the country - Are these arctic air masses caused by so-called "global war

Another frigid air mass is going to cover the country - Are these arctic air masses caused by so-called "global war

Posted at: 2015-03-12 
And as the world warms up, should we prepare for more cold air to effect the globe?

Ha! Ha! You would at least think the greenies could take a hint from Mother Nature and go back to the Ice Age lie. No sane person in the northern hemisphere can believe in GW after this year. Skiing in the summertime in Vermont?! And these heathens still stick to their GW. Well, hang in there greenies, chances are that it will warm up someday. Ha! Ha!

Although I am not a believer in man made global warming, your question shows that you understand little about what is going on with the arctic air masses. I believe that we are going through a natural climate change and part of that is weather instability. The arctic air masses that are covering the country are a result of the arctic circle becoming unstable. Usually, there is one vortex at the top of the globe that holds the arctic air in the north and just swirls. As the climate increases, the one vortex has split into 2. The best way to picture this is the number 0 and the number 8. With 2 of these systems now in place, they reach further south, which is why the weather in our country has been very unstable both last winter and now. The global temperature is rising, that is scientific fact. This winter, look at the weather in the Northern US and the weather at the North Pole. Last winter it was not uncommon for the weather in the US to be colder with more snow. I would expect it to be much of the same this year based on the weather patterns that are showing. Just because you are experiencing colder temperatures, it does not mean the entire globe is, hence the term, "global warming".

Actually, yes.

Warming disrupts the weather patterns that keep cold Arctic air (mostly) in the Arctic. That means the cold Arctic air ends up further south, causing unusually cold weather in those places. At the same time, the *Arctic* is unusually *warm*.

No they are not, to blame cold weather on global warming is rather stupid, because this way if we get much more global warming we are going to end up in an ice age.


Extreme cold and snow are locallized weather. Extreme heat, rain, drought, and possibly earthquakes are caused by dangerous global warming

Cold= weather

Heat= Catastrophic Anthropomorphic Global Warming

Last time I checked, Florida was not yet under water. Earth would have to get pretty warm to stop winter.

And as the world warms up, should we prepare for more cold air to effect the globe?