> Global warming scientists?

Global warming scientists?

Posted at: 2015-03-12 
Search pubmed. People who don't believe in global warming aren't scientists. They're idiots.

As a start, you might look at the work of Dr. Anthony Westerling of UC Merced, he has quite a few papers on this subject related to fires in California and the Western United States. I would think that if you look at the references for some of his papers you'll find papers that do similar analyses for other parts of the world.


Natural Climate Variability has shown past temperature variations are natural and normal and far more extreme than what we have experienced in the past 300 years. Besides, the normal evolutionary process of life can not be stopped by science or any other technique. Most (if not all) AGW advocate scientists are believers in evolution and are helplessly trying to mitigate the minor warming that has happened.

It's funny how the "cry" changes from week to week, but since there are more people that "can" cry, we will surely hear it through our ever expanding media outlets. More people only means more crying about what is not fair. They talk about the ever expanding difference between the rich and the poor, yet they only come up with ideas to draw more income from the little guy/gal.

Global Warming is a political argument and always has been with a "save-the-world" emblem on the cover.

As Tim has said there is no science that doesn't support man caused global warming. So to try and find people that will deny AGW is like finding scientist that would say the Earth is flat, there probably is some one that would try to say that as well.

Your best bet is to do a web search for

global warming bush fires journal papers scientific 2013 2014

All the links wont apply but you will likely get hundreds of thousands. using bush fires will get you lots of Australian, using forest fires will be primarily US

Frankly you need to do your own schoolwork/research

Since deniers will deny anything, you aren't likely to get as many links.

Better to search from the internet itself.you will get absolute answer

Try using google scholar for your search.


I was wondering if anyone could list any published work / articles by scientists relating to global warming and bushfire/wildfires, I need to do make my report unbiased therefore I would need names of scientists who believe and those who deny global warming affects this weather pattern?

If anyone can help me with any names to look up that would be a great help

I appreciate your time, thanks :)