> Leading "climate scientist" says immediate action needs to happen on "Climate Change"?

Leading "climate scientist" says immediate action needs to happen on "Climate Change"?

Posted at: 2015-03-12 
They said the same thing 20 years ago and we know how much warming has happened since then. Immediate action is always needed and that action always corresponds with their political agenda and their self interest but we are supposed to ignore that. If we don't ignore it, we are deniers and liars. It must be nice to be an alarmists. All you have to do is sit back, read a few left wing blogs, and glory in your knowledge that you are better than everyone else.


Ad hominem argument. And although there is nothing wrong with driving trains, Pachauri designed locomotives.


"Ph.D., Co-majors in Industrial Engineering and Economics, North Carolina State University (1974)

"Master's, Industrial Engineering, North Carolina State University (USA) (1972)

"Graduate of the Institution of Production Engineers, London

"Graduate of the Indian Railways Institute of Mechanical and Electrical Engineering in Jamalpur, Bihar"


Raisin Caine

2 trillion dollars out of 100 trillion dollars. Oh! No! WE'RE GONNA DIE!!!!!!

The correct answer is , none of the above.

Pachauri has degrees in industrial engineering & economics.

He was also apparently born into the elite Brahmin caste which means he would never lower himself to discuss questions with filthy common untouchables like you & me.


Lisa is a reasonably well known freelance reporter for organizations like NPR & Voice of America which only means she is politically correct & connected.

whether she has any science credentials or not is totally irrelevant.

Holy freaking crap. This guy is saying that CO2 mitigation by 2030 would cost 2% of global consumption??? Sure, why not, lets just write a check for 2 trillion dollars. How could that possibly cause economic problems.

A lead proctologist says Pachauri is a butthead.

Yes buy this car right now, because tomorrow it will be too late. That is called a hard sell and is illegal in some states.

IPCC made 117 predictions. 114 were very far off. Doesn't sound very reliable to me to put my faith into it.

Pachauri is a qualified railway engineer and has no qualifications in climate science whatsoever http://r.search.yahoo.com/_ylt=A0SO80dQu...

They always say that . Its the sky is falling crowd

their lying

Who is the leading "climate scientist" in this news release? Pachauri? ... or is it the writer Lisa Schlein?


Biased, environmental climate science is now reporting that Pachauri is a climate scientist besides being a well-known Socialist?