> If Neil deGrasse Tyson believes global warming is real, does that prove the science?

If Neil deGrasse Tyson believes global warming is real, does that prove the science?

Posted at: 2015-03-12 
Face it, Neil deGrasse Tyson is very charismatic on television. If he believes global warming is real, then it has to be true, right?

OH yes! And I heard Santa Claus agreed with him along with the Easter Bunny. Those three are such great brains.

Jonathon: AGW theory has been proven wrong.


As you can see the Earth has cooled for over a decade. At the same time CO2 has increased. Al Gore's chart and theory is proven wrong.

Naturally Neil would think GW is real. He knows which side his bread is buttered on. And it ain't buttered by those buttering on the side of truth and science.

Quote by Eduardo Tonni, paleontologist, Committee for Scientific Research, Argentina: “The [global warming] scaremongering has its justification in the fact that it is something that generates funds.”

We know what his motive is.

Quote by Martin Keeley, geology scientist: “Global warming is indeed a scam, perpetrated by scientists with vested interests, but in need of crash courses in geology, logic and the philosophy of science.”

No. To believe in global warming just because Neil deGrasse Tyson believes in it is blindly following an authority.

Accept global warming because of the evidence. Global warming is happening


And we are causing it


The ten warmest years in the instrumental record are 2010, 2005, 2009, 2007, 2002, 1998, 2006, 2003, 2011 and 2012.


No way. For an alternative scientific opinion, Leonard Susskind has called the AGW "controversy" a fraud cooked up by politicians and kept afloat by organizations that hire part-time "scientists" to support their predetermined conclusions.

Susskind proved Hawking wrong on Black Hole Information Loss, helped originate String Theory and with Gerard t'Hooft formulated the Holographic principle.

When scientists express opinions as established facts, and tout the "science" behind their opinion as Tyson or Bill Nye (another popular "science" figure) has done, they are actually practicing bad science.

I remember Tyson discussing Einstein and he suggested that if any part of Einstein's theory was proved incorrect, the whole thing had to be scrapped. He was right of course but I couldn't help but wonder why he didn't have the same standard for AGW. I think with Einstein, it was more dramatic in the show to suggest that if anything went wrong, then it was kaput for Relativity. In order to stay popular with the pop science on TV and some of his fellow professors, he is sophisticated enough to understand that he has to tow the line with certain subjects. No, his opinion isn't evidence for anything except that it is probably his opinion.

I don't think he is charismatic, I think Carl Sagan was more charismatic in his version, Carl Sagan believed in what he was saying, I don't think Dyson does, more likely he was just following his script, personally I dont think he believes in global warming anymore than I do, but why should that interfere with a well paid leading role on a television series.

no. climatology is not the expertise of neil degrasse. he shouldn't be speaking on the subject at all.

What? You don't accept the word of an astrophysicist about meteorology? Why that's just crazy. Next thing you are going to tell me is that you don't go to a proctologist for legal advice? (side joke, proctology is the study of lawyers, right?)

Science is never proven. Least of all by one person's opinion. The idea of "proves" is anyway a fallacy out the starting gate by you -- probably entirely for disingenuous reasons on your part. Science seeks out "good theory," considers all theory tentative to what the future may yet show, and focuses on demolishing untenable ideas. The simplest way of saying this is that science "disproves, never proves." But you knew that.

The fact that he is charismatic doesn't make him more right.

Face it, Neil deGrasse Tyson is very charismatic on television. If he believes global warming is real, then it has to be true, right?