> Why/how is climate change deducting numbers of the arctic fox? (something to do with red foxes???)?

Why/how is climate change deducting numbers of the arctic fox? (something to do with red foxes???)?

Posted at: 2015-03-12 
Foxes are solitary individuals, and don't share very well.

Red foxes are stronger, and arctic foxes don't survive when they're both after the same food.

Often, creatures that inhabit inhospitable areas do so because they're not the best fighters, and it's the only way that they're able to not be killed and get food.

There is no man-made Climate Change, so whatever is happening to red foxes is not climate related. But this sounds like just more Climate Fraud Industry propaganda to me. Over the last 30 years we've heard every kind of story about how Climate Change or Global Warming is causing (or will cause) every kind of disaster imaginable --- none of it true.

Here is the complete list of everything blamed on so called man-made Global Warming:


For example:

Did you know that Global Warming killed the Loch Ness Monster? (sad hun? - no word on Godzilla)


How about the poor polar bears who's penis sizes are shrinking because of Global Warming (pollution). I wonder how many researchers they lost getting those measurements.


Global Warming is said to be hurting the brothel industry.


But on a serious note, this shows how utterly fraudulent and out of control the Global Warming farrago has always been. The reason for all of this nonsense is because if researchers could somehow link their research to Global Warming --- they got money. The Warmists have bought all the propaganda with our taxpayer dollars. And that's why for a couple of decades every other news story you read had something to do with Global Warming and the new horror it caused.

Most people don't realize this scam has been limping along for more than 30 years already.

And that's what's truly sad --- such a waste of taxpayer money to prop-up this globalist hoax. But they are not after only our money, they want to destroy our freedoms too.


I suspect what your teacher is trying to suggest is that red foxes may be replacing Arctic foxes at the extreme of both of their habitats. Climate is never stable. Trying to blame adjustments of fox habitats at their extreme limits on our CO2 emissions is a stretch but it is a stretch that alarmists are more than willing to make as long as it supports their Cause. I suppose you are supposed to now favor the poor Arctic Fox who is being invaded/replaced by the Red Fox in its southern extreme range. Arctic Foxes may be increasing their range toward the Arctic if they are in fact losing some of it to the south but you aren't supposed to think about that. You are only supposed to think about things that are negative and support global warming alarmism.

because it shrinks their habitat