> If Global Warming exists, then how much have average temperatures gone up since 1998?

If Global Warming exists, then how much have average temperatures gone up since 1998?

Posted at: 2015-03-12 
The rate of warming since 1998 was

Trend: 0.077 ±0.161 °C/decade (2σ)


Or 0.0077°C/year

2012 - 1998 = 14 years

Warming since 1998 = 0.0077 * 14 = 0.1078°C.

There is no statistically significant warming since 1995 - this comes from climate scientist Phil Jones who's back peddling on climate change somewhat as if the world has had a climate anomaly since 1995, it's not enough to present itself as distinct from random fluctuation.

I think Climate Realist misunderstood the question. He though you said what goes up when the temperature goes down?

A: A carefully chosen regression fit with enough historical data.

I believe its not so much as the temp going up its the sun rays (Radiation) getting through the earths protective shield, that is what is making the earth hotter. On cloudy days the temp is so much more bearable in the South than if there where no clouds. Don't let anyone fool you it is getting hotter, and you don't need to be a Scientist to know it.

Strong El Nino.

It was 79 yesterday here. First time that warm since summer- is summer starting over again? One day does not set a trend as one year doesn't either.

15 years would represent too little time to see any long term trend. You can pick nearly any 15 year period you wish to choose over the past 150 years to indicate a warmer, cooler or stagnant period. In terms of climatology you need to look at the 30 year trend line. There is without doubt, a strong warming trend to our global climate over the past 150 years. Yes, there are peaks and valleys over that time frame, but the overall trend is a warming signal.

Easy enough for a 6th grader to understand - http://www.english-online.at/environment...

Source: http://www.english-online.at/environment...


"One day does not set a trend as one year doesn't either."

How about 15 years, Thor?--1998-2013.

How about 78 years, Thor?--1936-2013.

How about 800 years, Thor?--1300-2013.

How about 1700 years, Thor?--450-2013.

They changed the name global warming to climate change.

The backbone of climate change are the climate change models, these super-computer models show according to climate science what should be happening, and as none of them have shown that a 16yr pause is possible, we can only conclude that they and global warming are wrong.

If baseball exists, how has the batting average of designated hitters varied over time?