> Why can't Republicans accept that global warming is real?

Why can't Republicans accept that global warming is real?

Posted at: 2015-03-12 
Many do, but if they're active in the party they have to keep quiet about it, or else they be labeled "RINO"s and become targets during primaries.

Unfortunately it's part of a general failing of today's Republican Party--they refuse to accept reality. One of the Republicans in here (or at least one of the ultra-right wingers) recently claimed that the Iraq War was a "victory" for George Bush! Even now some of them still cling to the belief that there were WMDs in Iraq prior to the second Iraq War, despite none being found and the prime evidence for them was found to be faked.

They have told us about how the Fed's policies would lead us to runaway inflation--guess what, that never happened. They told us how cutting taxes would lead to higher revenues for government, because of the "Laffer Curve", while instead what it's led us to is huge deficits. They told us that government austerity was the way out of the Great Recession, and Europe has followed that advice and it has brought them close to another recession, while the economy in the U.S. (which didn't follow the Republican advice) is heating up.

They want us to "take control of our borders", by spending tens or hundreds of billions of more dollars to create a giant militarized zone along the border. Apparently our way of life is under threat from people that are ambitious and hard-working enough to travel a perilous journey to take low wage jobs that Americans will no longer do, such as work in the fields or as maids or garment workers.

The Republican Party of today protects us from imaginary threats and doesn't protect us from real ones. It's a weird confederation of people working to protect the interests of the rich and powerful with another group that are anti-government conspiracy theorists.

EDIT: It's amusing that Jim Z claims that I lied by misquoting him, when I didn't even mention his name! As evidence that I misquoted him (well, not evidence because he doesn't pull up his own direct quote) was that there is a big distinction between saying that Bush had a "victory" in Iraq while Jim Z claims he said "all but won the war." I'm not sure if I that is a direct quote (I don't believe it is) but it's hardly a big distinction. Then he goes on to prove my point by his war-mongering ravings about how we should also gone into Iran at the same time! This is clearly another example of someone not being able to accept reality. The reality is that Bush cost the country trillions of dollars and took thousands of American lives and more than 100,000 Iraqi lives and the end result is that we have a dysfunctional country that is a breeding ground for groups like ISIS. Before the war Iraq was essentially no threat at all to the United States. Jim Z believes that we should have done the same thing in Iran. I'm sure everyone is thinking, sure, why not? Iraq is such a success we should have more of them. The entire war in Iraq was funded on the backs of the American taxpayers, and what's worse, it was done with credit instead of by raising revenues to pay for it. Perhaps if Cheney and his buddies (like Jim Z) had to pay for these ill-conceived wars out of their own pockets they would think twice about starting them. Spending money and not taxing enough to pay for what you're spending leads to debt, and eventually the interest service on the debt becomes a major part of government obligations. Instead of paying for government debts, many of the Congressional Republicans believe it would be better to default on them, essentially pushing the U.S. into bankruptcy. These people have a complete detachment from reality.

I am a political atheist and find all political parties dogmatic, and lacking in commonsense.

However I am a climate skeptic, I was not always so, I remember doing research to answer a skeptic and ended up struggling, on the surface there is a huge amount pointing to climate change is real, however when you look closer and deeper, it looks less and less convincing and there is actually zero evidence that directly ties CO2 with warming, but yes I am sure CO2 does cause some marginal warming.

Until they can show exactly how sensitive our climate is to CO2 (and not the vague IPCC somewhere between 1.5 to 4C for a doubling of CO2) then I might listen, and they still have not proved to me that any warming would be damaging it might be beneficial.

Well, it has cost me $5000 to stop my house from sinking into the melting Permafrost. Which has been frozen for just over 10,000 years, but is now melting. We see a LOT of evidence for Climate Change here in the Klondike, Yukon Territory, and it is costing us money. Natives are hunting animals they've never seen, and don't even have names for. The Yukon River breaks up on average 1 week earlier than it did in 1898 - we know it to the minutes, as we bet on it.

There are many other examples. Political stripes don't matter - Climate Change is clear for all to see. You don't even need to be a scientist.

Probably the failure of climate models and the lack of any real data to support the theory and of course the pause in global temperatures. I am sorry, but saying "CO2 is a greenhouse gas, humanity is emitting more of it in the atmosphere so therefore the laws of physics demand that the world will warm" that only works for the lowest of intellects. It appears that climate sensitivity is much lower than the alarmist AGW crowd were counting on at the turn of the century, therefore it is highly likely that there will be no dangerous climate change, if any, associated with the AGW "THEORY" . If you can't explain the pause, you can't explain the cause.

The Globe has gone through periods of time when there have been significant warming and COOLING trends in the past! So why is our current warning trend so special? Evidence seems to point that we are in a warming cycle right now but what does this prove? NOTHING! I am 63 years old and have been vacationing in Oceanside, Calif. since I was a very young lad (with my now deceased parents). The shoreline is in the exact same place it was when I was a kid! So where is the evidence of all the extra water that should be accumulating from the melted ice from the polar caps? Ain't happening! So what's

all the hoopla about? Political posturing and that's all!

I am curious which part of Republicans you agree with. You mention McConnell who is what I would call a big government Republican or just Republican establishment type. He isn't a conservative except if you compare him to a real radical like Obama. You worry about our planet but fail to realize that coal is being used by every other country that can. China is building coal burning plants out the ying yang. Your contention that it comes at the expense of Earth is baseless IMO. Using your criteria, every form of energy comes at the expense of the earth. Why stop at coal?

Peggy is a flat out liar. What I said was that Obama lost the war in Iraq but I agree that Bush all but won the war. Obama was warned about ISIS yet he dithered and even provided much of the weapons. Peggy laughably thinks Cheney and Hailburton were the Oz behind Bush. In fact Cheney wanted to also take out the Ayatollahs but his advice was ignored. Cheney was right and Bush was wrong. Bush is another one of the establishment Republicans. Too many people, mostly extreme leftists like Peggy, make the mistake that all Republicans are conservatives. Establishment Republicans are generally political hacks that want power and don't work for the interests of the American people.

I realize that math challenged people like Peggy think that reducing the amount of money confiscated from producers increases deficits, but most third graders would realize that spending causes deficits. I wonder if Peggy spends twice his wage on credit cards and whines that his balance keeps going up because he just pays the minimum. News flash to Peggy, stop using your credit card so irresponsibly.

The ignorance displayed by Peggy needs to be further illustrated. In fact, Reagan lowered the marginal rates and the revenues to government nearly doubled. Those are historical facts. What happened is Tip O Neil, as all Democrats do, lied and didn't keep his end of the bargain and reduce spending. There are lots of links to chose from but this one is easy to understand:




Will Peggy admit that he was laughably wrong? Not a chance. I'm sure if he even bothered to read it his only comment would be that it is from right wing radical (i.e. not socialist) source.

In fact the Republican party is largely Democrat light. It is the TeaParty and core conservatives that try to hold the Republicans feet to the fire to keep the interests of the American people but the state controlled (its a joke because it is true) MSM press is in bed with the establishment and people like Peg believe what they read in the MSM

Peg has a hard time remembering, but we were attacked by radical muslims on September 11, 2001. That cost the US trillions. I wish we would have gone after the perps more, such as Saudis who sponsered them and Pakistanis who installed the Taliban to attempt to control Afghanistan. Instead, Bush decided to remove the biggest threat with weapons of mass destruction and that was Iraq who was continuing to ignore their peace agreement. Bush went in with Democrat and most of Europe and China and Russia and probably little countries in Africa. I don't agree with the nation building. I agree with taking them out however. 9/11 changed everything but some people like Peg are back to 9/10 thinking.

No, Republicans do not only care about more jobs and lower energy prices. They also like lower home prices, and lower costs on other items. It is only Democrats who seek to keep life sustainable by making things more expensive so people will buy less and live more in tune with the planet.

"Do Republicans only care about creating jobs and lowering energy prices, even if it comes at the expense of Earth, our only home?"

Republicans only care about their campaign contributors.

Keep in mind, they advocate large corporations who export jobs.

It really is all about money.

And campaign contributions.

Seems that politics gets lower every day.

And money makes that happen.

If you don't have enough money, you don't get elected.

If your views aren't the same as your campaign contributors, you'll not get any more money.

And be out of government.

No, Republicans do not only care about more jobs and lower energy prices. They also like lower home prices, and lower costs on other items. It is only Democrats who seek to keep life sustainable by making things more expensive so people will buy less and live more in tune with the planet.

The simple fact is that you can't prove that it is, yet you have your hand in our pockets as though it was true.

Quote by James Spann, American Meteorological Society-certified meteorologist: "Billions of dollars of grant money [over $50 billion] are flowing into the pockets of those on the man-made global warming bandwagon. No man-made global warming, the money dries up. This is big money, make no mistake about it. Always follow the money trail and it tells a story."

Quote by Tom McElmurry, meteorologist, former tornado forecaster in Severe Weather Service: “Governmental officials are currently casting trillions down huge rat hole to solve a problem which doesn’t exist....Packs of rats wait in that [rat] hole to reap trillions coming down it to fill advocates pockets....The money we are about to spend on drastically reducing carbon dioxide will line the pockets of the environmentalists....some politicians are standing in line to fill their pockets with kick back money for large grants to the environmental experts....In case you haven’t noticed, it is an expanding profit-making industry, growing in proportion to the horror warnings by government officials and former vice-presidents.”

Can you deny that Gore is getting rich from GW? Can you deny that the UN is getting rich and powerful from GW? Just within the week the US pledged 3 billion and other countries chipped in 7 billion, and all over something that isn't real. Can you think of any industry where they take in money and produce nothing in return?

We have a President who it turns out relied on the 'stupidity' of the American people to foist Obamacare on the people. Don't you feel he is still relying on that stupidity to con people like you. You have no scientific background, yet you point the finger at dedicated honest people who refuse to be fooled.

Because its a wealth redistribution scheme and Climate Justice . The Climate could care less about Humans .

Raising taxes will not change anything

Republicans aren't very smart. They can only parrot what Fox News, Rush, and their church tells them to say. They can't and won't think for themselves or they would see the obvious facts that prove man made climate change.

Because its a wealth redistribution scheme and Climate Justice . The Climate could care less about Humans .

Raising taxes will not change anything

Because as Tina Fey once said, interpreting Sarah Palin, "It's just God hugging us closer." Republicans are extremely annoying.

I am a Democrat. There is no man made global warming. There is no extra natural warming.

Because as Tina Fey once said, interpreting Sarah Palin, "It's just God hugging us closer." Republicans are extremely annoying.

Because as Tina Fey once said, interpreting Sarah Palin, "It's just God hugging us closer." Republicans are extremely annoying.

Because as Tina Fey once said, interpreting Sarah Palin, "It's just God hugging us closer." Republicans are extremely annoying.

Because as Tina Fey once said, interpreting Sarah Palin, "It's just God hugging us closer." Republicans are extremely annoying.

Because as Tina Fey once said, interpreting Sarah Palin, "It's just God hugging us closer." Republicans are extremely annoying.

I am a Democrat. There is no man made global warming. There is no extra natural warming.

Because as Tina Fey once said, interpreting Sarah Palin, "It's just God hugging us closer." Republicans are extremely annoying.

The republicans like a cold republic.

The republicans like a cold republic.

I am a Democrat. There is no man made global warming. There is no extra natural warming.

The republicans like a cold republic.

I am a Democrat. There is no man made global warming. There is no extra natural warming.

The republicans like a cold republic.

Because as Tina Fey once said, interpreting Sarah Palin, "It's just God hugging us closer." Republicans are extremely annoying.

Because as Tina Fey once said, interpreting Sarah Palin, "It's just God hugging us closer." Republicans are extremely annoying.