> Is global warming causing more snowstorms?

Is global warming causing more snowstorms?

Posted at: 2015-03-12 
When warming stopped working, they changed it to change and now they add weirdness. Basically they want to blame it on anything bad. I doubt that it is both responsible for drought and increased precipitation, as well as both cooling and warming.

Yes and no, we have to keep an open mind when it comes to climate science, we won't know exactly what it will bring until tomorrow. It's better to remain ambiguous about the effects and if you find yourself making contradictions simply state that although it sounds contradictory, it's not, explain to your audience that it's too complex for anyone but a climate scientists to understand, even scientist in other fields cannot grasp what is happening, unless of course they happen to agree. If you find scientific organizations agreeing that CO2 is a GHG, point to them and say see everyone agrees, simply ignore their statements claiming the changes we are witnessing may be natural. So yes AGW does cause more snowstorms unless it doesn't.

It might be changing the pathways of arctic storms. Over the past 5 years, the jet stream has been slower and more meandering, causing more arctic storms to stray unusually far south unusually often. The jet stream is fueled by differences in temperatures between the arctic and lower latitudes, so the warming of the arctic may be responsible for or contributing to the slowing of the jet stream and the increase of arctic storms moving over the U.S.

In case you confuse storms moving south with "more storms" or "more cold" check the weather in Anchorage or Nome Alaska. They are having an unusually warm Fall -- because the arctic air that usually remains far north has moved south, and warmer air has moved into the arctic.

Some researchers believe the slowing of the jet stream is tied to solar activity but the cannot explain the mechanism. The hypothesis that it is caused by warming of the arctic has gained support over the past five years because it explains the mechanism and it has been consistent since it was proposed. We hope it is tied to a natural temporary forcing such as solar activity, because if is caused by the warming of the arctic then these very cold winters of the past few years are part of a new normal.

It could, as air flow and moisture changes. But cold air in Buffalo is mainly due to warm air going to Alaska.

It is causing more dramatic fluctuations, but the snowfall has been worse in other years.

the climate has chanrd. look ip arctic polar jetstream and climate.

one snowstorm cannot be blamed on climate..

it us like a loaded dice with two 6.you roll a six but do no know if it is the old 6 or the added one. all you know is that the dpropabilities have changrd.

Nope. Only in the Bizarro World!!!

It is causing more dramatic fluctuations, but the snowfall has been worse in other years.

Yes. Anything else?

Yes - So-called "global warming" causes more and less snow, more and fewer hurricanes, more and fewer floods, more than fewer, well, just fill in the blank.....

Must be the cause.

It is just weather. Only warm events qualify as climate change.

No , they have no proof