> Have you checked out these Record Temperatures?

Have you checked out these Record Temperatures?

Posted at: 2015-03-12 
They list records for each country.

The highs are more recent, the lows are less recent.


That's interesting, and it may be indicative of global warming, but I think you have to be careful interpreting extreme events of any type, just because they are extreme and so have to have "optimal" conditions to occur. Also, the more something is a singular event the more you have worry about it being contaminated by error. For example, the previous world record high temperature from Al Azizia, Libya was discredited after an investigation, as have been many other records. The Death Valley record of 134 F is even somewhat questionable, since it occurred during a sandstorm and there is a good chance that heated sand particles penetrated the instrument shelter.

Some of the reason for fewer recent city low temperature records may be because of urban heat island effects. Increased aerosol pollution over the last century may suppress new heat records.

Zippi62's answer is worth comment. He believes that the greater number of measurements these days would favor more recent records. While that may be true, it would NOT explain your result, since you found many more recent highs than recent lows.

Wait a second here. I heard on Fox News that they just make all this stuff up! It's all a hoax. It's a conspiracy and thousands of scientists are in on it, including the ones who were making that list of record temperatures. So whatever your "science" sources have to say is irrelevant

How many recordings are there nowadays versus 1900? That's what climate clowns like yourself don't understand. Ever recorded?

In modern history (within the past 35 or so years) we measure things like temperature 100,000 times than what we did in 1900.

The term "ever recorded" is only a means to sensationalize modern science in an attempt to show alarmism through temperature measuring over time. It's part of the "Climate Clown Act" in tent #3 at the IPCC.

Not a surprise, given that Earth is warming. But records don't prove anything. The average temperature from around the world is used to produce datasets such as GISS.


And the way that we can tell if Earth is warming, of if Earth were cooling, is from trends.


Death Valley, California



Specially for Zippi:



They list records for each country.

The highs are more recent, the lows are less recent.
