> I have a prediction about global warming?

I have a prediction about global warming?

Posted at: 2015-03-12 
By the year 2050 the average global temperature will go up by 3 degrees C. Would you agree?

Good Prediction! I would agree, you might be right. And how did I get a thumbs down?

Ok, this will help my retirement!

How much you want ot bet it won't be 1/10th of your prediciton. We will base the bet on satelite data NOT surface station data.

I am willing to bet $500,000 from my 401k. Will you match it? I can get a lawyer to draw it up and make it all a legally binding contract. We will lock the fund in a bound escrow account that can only be toughed by the winner, or our assigned benificiary, after the 10th day of 2051 to allow for data to be collected and processed for 2050. If the numbers are close it will automatically be extended to the 120th day of 2051 to allow for furhter analysis.

Waht do you think? I'll do it!

The world is not a Greenhouse! The current trend since 1880 is 0.75 Celsius rise in 133 years. 2050 should show a rise in temperature of about 0.25 C based on the 40%+ rise of CO2 since 1880. How far back are you wanting to show a trend? 20 years? 30 years? You seem to be a true alarmist.


@Maxx, the Earth is cooling? Did you happen to read that on a conspiracy theorist or anti-science blog?

That sounds reasonable. And pay no attention to Madd Maxx.


Madd Maxx

For a while, GISS was using unadjusted data. Untile Steve McIntyre noticed that they were using unadjusted data.

"Steve McIntyre's discovery of a glitch in the GISS temperature data is an impressive achievement. Make no mistake, it's an embarrassing error on the part of NASA."


Thats not how it works...its climate destabilisation not warming.

Yes, without a doubt, now go back to sleep.

Nope. Why would I agree? Better yet...why should I care? I'll be long dead.


Nope, because the world is cooling, not warming.


Notice that Climate Realist did not use the unadjusted data. Have another look at his same plot definition using HADCRUT3 unadjusted global mean data.


By the year 2050 the average global temperature will go up by 3 degrees C. Would you agree?