> Are predictions made by scientists more accurate than predictions made by a palm reader?

Are predictions made by scientists more accurate than predictions made by a palm reader?

Posted at: 2015-03-12 
Can global warming scientists make predictions that are more accurate than predictions made by a palm reader? Or are their predictions just about equal in their results?

According to the Climategate email scandal and attempted cover-up, a number of "scientists" may have been given a pass by their undergrad and grad school professors.

The Creators of the Hockeystick appear to have questionable qualifications, as well.

Right now, the palm reader is looking pretty good.

It depends on the scientist, if it's a mathematical one trying to work out orbits, re-entry points etc etc, ie one using empirical formulas , then I'd go with the scientist, IF It's a climate scientist then the evidence suggests I'd be better off going with the palm reader, If no palm reader can be found, the evidence suggests just assuming the exact opposite of their predictions will occur.

My palm tells me that I have been at war lately with a climbing vine in my back yard and admittedly I have been loosing the battle as attested to by by blistery callouses but I predict that I will win that war in the end albeit I may loose a few more battles and gain a few more blisters and in that regard I fancy myself a better palm prognosticator than the catastrophe predicting alarmists who have yet to be right.

Scientific predictions are made based on scientific data. And any scientist who makes a prediction ought to be happy to share the data with others, who can examine it and make their own predictions. This is why scientific pronouncements are usually made in 'peer-reviewed' literature.

Palm reading, or any kind of fortune-telling, is intuitive. They just say it and there it is, believe it or not, don't ask me how I got to it. And it's about as accurate as guessing. About a accurate as you could predict yourself.

Are you old enough to remember a woman named Jeanne Dixon? She was a fortune teller back in the early 1960s. When JFK was elected president (in 1960) she predicted that he would not finish his first term. When JFK was shot, Dixon rose to international super-stardom. She made predictions after that in magazines, on TV, etc. She had newsletters and a 900 number where you could hear her predictions and I think People Magazine published a page of her predictions every year around Christmas for the new year.

But Dixon was never right again! About ANYTHING!

Well, Dr. Jello, they did predict that there would be people that denied the scientific evidence presented before them. And here you are! I would say that this was a 100% accurate prediction on their part. Take your bow, Dr. Jello. You are in the spot light!

Well considering that scientists have years of training and certification on everything to do with the planet and palm readers have none, my vote is on the scientist.

You are not the sharpest tool in the shed if you cannot figure that question out on your own.

Are you ******* stupid?

Can global warming scientists make predictions that are more accurate than predictions made by a palm reader? Or are their predictions just about equal in their results?