> What does a changing climate mean to various populations on earth?

What does a changing climate mean to various populations on earth?

Posted at: 2015-03-12 
We just lost six human lives to flooding in Australia.

Brisbane is a city ... flooded!

Several of our smaller cities flooded also.

We have bush fire's and floods going on right now.

It's not looking too good in our immediate future!

Plenty of the close islands are already going under water each year.

It means big changes to the way we live!

Where will we live?

How will we avoid disaster?

It means that their ways of life have changed. Food has become harder (or easier in some cases) to get because the climate isn't right for them to grow. And, because of the population growth, the climate is changing.

It means starvation. Money that would help to feed the poor is diverted to the UN so they can go to club meds and hire women or young girls of the night, all in the name of Climate Change.

Most people on the planet have never even heard of climate change.

It means the seasons are changing. Like they always do.