> Could Al Gore and his like live the life style they do without BIG OIL?

Could Al Gore and his like live the life style they do without BIG OIL?

Posted at: 2015-03-12 
This is a repeat because someone changed the category and it is only fair to give everyone a chance at answering.

No, of course not. But Big Al has no intention of denying oil to himself. His plan is to deny it to the rest of us --- you know, the little people. Gore and his ilk think they have found a way for them to have all the oil they want while the rest of us pay much higher prices for it. And the extra money goes into their pockets.

This is part of what the man-made Global Warming SCAM is all about.


Certainly, but only if alternative energy sources would have been brought into play much sooner. There is no telling where we be now if we had done so. When we first decided that we were going to put a man on the moon, and in less than a decade, the technology to do so did not exist to accomplish this. Yet, we did what we set out to do and we realized our goal. Nearly every electronic convenience that we enjoy now was born from technology developed to put a man on the moon.

Flying in a jet without oil is pretty hard. Nevertheless, wealthy elites are OK with paying 3 times as much or ten times as much for gas and energy. The point is to have other people use less.


No, because his family fortunes are from their ownership in Occidental Petroleum.

This is a repeat because someone changed the category and it is only fair to give everyone a chance at answering.