> Has man-made Climate Change proved to be 'nothing but a lie?'?

Has man-made Climate Change proved to be 'nothing but a lie?'?

Posted at: 2015-03-12 
Absolutely. Coleman has said this all along and these mental misfits scoff at him because their so called science is so lame they have no scientific proof to the contrary.

Also, notice Happer is part of the article. Remember, he is the one who was fired by Al Gore because he stood up for the truth. His credentials are impeccable.

But according to Goebbels, the truth is the mortal enemy of the lie and so it must be suppressed at any cost. First on their evil list is to denigrate anyone who opposes. Don't argue with their logic and science but assassinate their character. Chomp down good on him or her and don't let them up. For if they do get up their job will be harder, as they might have to go into the realm of real science. then they will be lost for they are in unfamiliar ground and will be ground into the ash heap of despair.

So rave on you pea brained greenies. At least Coleman's foresight is better than your Jimmy the commie Hansen's and his climate models. Ha! Ha!

Hah the usual answer, denigrate the source, is that the best they can do.

Well earlier I would have said no, it is a failed hypothesis, but now with the continued statements about the seriousness of climate change (when we have no empirical evidence) with the continued pressure by political entities, Democrats, European Union, United Nations, Yes it is a lie.

God promised Noah that he would not flood the world again The temperature rose until Al Gore made his movie than for the last 12 years have somehow stabilize

OH, John Coleman, the weather channel founder again, in his declining years, lacking attention, looking for attention, and probably getting paid by the Kochs.

Really, Maxx? Will you ever consider the source of the evidence provided? John Coleman is your source? http://uscentrist.org/platform/positions...

Even if we haven't made it (which personally I think we might have), we are definitely speeding up the process

Climate change PROVED to be 'nothing but a lie', claims top meteorologist
