> How far should we go in order to save the planet? Should we boycott travelling by airplane and always take the train?

How far should we go in order to save the planet? Should we boycott travelling by airplane and always take the train?

Posted at: 2015-03-12 
Our planet is going downhill at the moment. It's almost too late to save it, almost. If we really did want to save it, we'd have to do more than just turning off the lights when we leave the room and all that mindless huzzah. To save the planet, we'd have to do away with it ALL. That means cars, electricity, plastic, mining, good God, we might as well do away with our whole society... We would have to live off the land like Native Americans, and since 80% would die, that would mean only the strongest would still be standing, which would work out just fine for future prosperity. But hello! Ain't nobody going to live like that by choice! So I guess we can leave it up to nature to reboot the human race. In the meantime, we can try and make Mars habitable, because I've a feeling that this planet ain't gonna hold all 7 billion+ of us for much longer.

We should avoid traveling by plane when trains are adequate. We should avoid driving when public transit is adequate. We should seek to be more energy-efficient, doing things like using CFL or LED light bulbs instead of incandescents, keeping our homes cooler in the winter and warmer in the summer, turning off appliances we aren't using, and so on.

We don't have to give up all modern technology or something in order to deal with global warming, we just have to be a bit smarter about it.

The whole planet feeds off of the energy CO2 brings. CO2 warming is a fallacy. There are bigger controls on our climate than CO2. Much bigger.

Do you realize that human influence on our climate is next to nil?

The volume of human existence is equal to less than 1/3rd of 1 cubic mile which makes humans about 1/35,000,000,000,000ths the size of Earth itself.

If you really think that changing the atmospheric make-up by 0.012% with a substance that is essential for all of life to keep on living, then you probably should find another Planet to live on. This one is way too crowded for you.

If Catastrophic, Man-made Global Warming was legit, don't you think that Al Gore, Obama and thousands of climate scientists would stop flying all over the world for vacations, speaking engagements and climate conferences??

When all of those folks stay off of planes, then they might gain a bit of credibility.

reducing travel saves money. eating local foods is good for your local economy. it is not just about the environment.

china has several bullet trains travelling at over 200mph, europe had them too. seems like the usa is no longer the leader.

global warming is real, but emissions from burning coal should be a priority especially since there are alternatives.

Save the planet from what?

There is NO **man-made** Global Warming and there has never been any.

What global warming? It's been cooling for at least 12 years according to HadCrut3 & HadCrut4 is nearly flat. http://www.woodfortrees.org/plot/hadcrut...

According to RSS Satellite data there has been no warming for more than 18 years.

Given the role of contrails in holding back the warming, giving up flying would be a bad idea. But jets could run on biodiesel or hydrogen. The BTU values of methanol and ethanol are too low for aircraft.

The alarmist should ride bikes no matter what the weather is and Kayak across the Ocean to get to the AGW shakedown meetings . Some want to go back to a hunter , gatherer tribes.

I guess they want to sleep out side with the friendly Ticks and other pest . And no fires in winter because because you cant burn wood .

I guess when deniers start to try and use the mass of humans themselves as a measure you can tell they are way out of their depth, they try to invent excuses why Al Gore should not fly etc, or bleat about plots to stop us all flying, all this is the usual smoke screen to cover the fact they have no answer to the science.

Meanwhile the actual adults are looking at ways of reducing the problems associated with greenhouse gases and flying, using new fuels that reduce emissions or fuels from renewable sources rather than fossil fuels, such fuels have already been tested in commercial jets and they work.

People like to travel and some have to travel as part of their work and their are no trains that cross oceans so flight is for any forseeable future the only way to travel over these areas (in a reasonable time).

I think, sadly, deniers answers to questions like this show pretty clearly what their real motives are.

Usually there is some reference to "greens want us to live like cavemen or cowboys", when in fact it is advances in technology which will be needed to fight climate change, like bio fuels, better solar cells and energy storage like fuel cells, of course such advances would be quite bad for the bottom line of oil energy groups which is why they are funding so heavily the denial of AGW, and suppling many of the theories deniers use, many of which rather obviously have the punchline that we need to keep using thier fuels and how bad alterative energy is. Although oddly many remote communties around the world seem to be able to use these same alterative energies to supply themselves with energy and even in urban areas many who have rooftop 'solar' know how much such systems can save them in energy costs.

P.S. I have such a system on my roof, so while deniers post B.S about how these systems don't work, all I have to do is look at my energy bill, as my system offsets 100% of my use and over ~6 years has already paid for itself in full.

As for other forms of transport look at the newer electric cars, Mitsubishi have released in Australia a medium sized SUV it is ~$50K ~$6K more than the equivalent petrol powered vehicle, it still uses petrol but with a rated milage 0.6L per hundred km, it's consuption is less that 10% that of the traditional car, in commutiong to work you could recover the cost difference in less than 2 years and beyond that this car would be far cheaper to operate. Does this sound like being driven to being a caveman, or does it sound like something that would actually (in the long run) save it's owner thousands of dollars and scare the willies out of the fuel industry. These are still only the first efforts at comercail electric and hybrid cars they are only going to get better and cheaper as mass production gears up.

While you seem to be trying to deride the train, over medium length travel like London to Paris via the tunnel, the train is actually faster than flying by plane

Yes, you should not travel by plane and always take the train. Just stay out of my business and we will be fine.

how far should we go in order to save the planet? Should we boycott travelling by airplane and always take the train? Should we ban the imports of goods from far away? Or is the fear of global warming just propaganda?

If you go by train your still burning coal, witch produce co2 just like gasoline.

trains do not work across oceans and america does not have bullet trains

The whole planet feeds off of the energy CO2 brings. CO2 warming is a fallacy. There are bigger controls on our climate than CO2. Much bigger.

Usually there is some reference to "greens want us to live like cavemen or cowboys", when in fact it is advances in technology which will be needed to fight climate change, like bio fuels, better solar cells and energy storage like fuel cells, of course such advances would be quite bad for the bottom line of oil energy groups which is why they are funding so heavily the denial of AGW, and suppling many of the theories deniers use, many of which rather obviously have the punchline that we need to keep using thier fuels and how bad alterative energy is. Although oddly many remote communties around the world seem to be able to use these same alterative energies to supply themselves with energy and even in urban areas many who have rooftop 'solar' know how much such systems can save them in energy costs.

Do you realize that human influence on our climate is next to nil?

The volume of human existence is equal to less than 1/3rd of 1 cubic mile which makes humans about 1/35,000,000,000,000ths the size of Earth itself.

We should walk and eat roadkill.