> Are global warming effects permanent?

Are global warming effects permanent?

Posted at: 2015-03-12 
Global warming effects are not. We've gone trough periods of ice and now the opposite. I doubt the ozone layer can rebuilt itself.

Edit: The cause of increasing temperatures is the greenhouse effect. As we, humans release gases such as carbon dioxide into our atmosphere, our planet gets warmer. Earth is made up from 78% nitrogen and 21% oxygen. The rest 1% is gases that contribute to the greenhouse effect. Those gases have the ability to collect heat which results in the Earth getting warmer. If we reduce the amount of those gases released then the temperatures will drop to normal. However, if we fail to do so we will get unpleasant results such as melting of arctic ice which will increase the ocean levels. Climate in countries will change, and foods that grow will also change. The global warming is a big topic with lots of information and hypothesis about what can/will happen. I suggest you watch some of the NG movies such as "6 degrees could change the world." Hope I answered your questions.

"on the assumption that global warming is real, are the effects permanent"

No permanent changes. But if the heating continues, then deep methane reserves will be released, and the hot swing will continue for much longer.

"in terms of the ozone layer, can or does it repair itself somehow"

Once water vapor is no longer lofted, and if oxygen is still present, the ozone layer will self-repair. May not happen until all DNA-based surface life on Earth is gone. But Nature populated this world in less than a billion years from as little as will be left.

[EDIT: "what would affect Canada's climate as a whole to get warmer? global warming or the "depletion" of the ozone layer since the Ozone layer is permanent."

Death of all life is permanent, all else will recover. Global Warming puts more water in the oceans. Earth's rotation will move the bulk of this water to the equator. This changes the shape of the Earth, and lengthens the day slightly (conservation of angular momentum). Changing Earth's shape, changes the equilibrium between tectonic plates, more earthquakes result. The Moon will recede faster as higher tides result on Earth.

Canada will become partly desert. Without the "payout" of liquid from snowpack... What survives will be drastically changed.


Global warming will cause the rise in temperature. If you are trying to know which one either global warming or ozone layer will increase the temperature for instance of Canada than its global warming. Did you know there is another phenomena that is working just opposite to the Global warming, Global Dimming and the two phenomena should balance each other but at the current time Global warming is more and both of them should exist.

No. The planet climate has change in various degrees over time. At one time it was or was close to being one big ice ball.

By the way the ozone layer has no connection to the theory of global warming. The purpose of the ozone layer is to protect from UV radiation, not inferred radiation.

no its not perminet. it is a nateral cycal that has happened before, and it will happen again. i will give it to you the simplest way i can. it is like a forest fire. this natural cycal renwes the soil, and gives new life a chance, and everything will go back to normal. We are the animals in that forest. But we do not know the extent of the effects or how much longer thing will warm up. but what we do know is that it has happened before and it will happen again. the planet is still here. but do not worry everything went back to normal and im sure we will survive anything that happens because of global warming. this is a problem but i am sure over time it will fix its self. After saying that i will also say we still need to start taking care of our planet a little more. the truth is the main problem wit this planet is us. And im sure we can all agree on that.

look in to Easter island and what happened to all of the people that once inhabited it. this show in a smaller scale what Environmental Scientist predict will happen to the entire human population if we continue on our path. if you have any questions don't bother to ask.

No, ice ages come and go and while CO2 cause the earth to retain more heat other factors will continue to influence the climates. (although other then a large meteor strike, or all out nuclear war, not at this rapid pace.)

The committed warmies will have to say no, or else there's little point in even thinking of reducing carbon emissions.

If they say yes, may as well pack up all this bollox that man can or is affecting the Earth.

I apprecaite all the answer and am getting a lot informating i just gotta figure out which one warming.

Earth will eventually get back to normal, but that will take at least 1,000 years.


Just in case people on here start to argue, this isn't a question that is supposed to cause any problems between those who believe or don't believe in global warming, so plz keep your personal beliefs out of it. I wanted to know on the assumption that global warming is real, are the effects permanent, if there is anything that has been damaged due to global warming like the ozone layer, is there anything we can do to fix or repair it? or once global warming has affected something, that's it we can't do anything about it. Any info will be helpful.

Thank You