> If it wasn't for global warming, would we have global cooling?

If it wasn't for global warming, would we have global cooling?

Posted at: 2015-03-12 
Give that man a cigar, you hit the bullseye.

Glaciers are either advancing, or retreating.

AGW is just a farce put in place to advance a political agenda, and make a few vassals wealthy.

Now, if I was one of those few vassals, I'd be all for AGW. But as it is, I am but a serf. And life is too expensive as it is...

We have no proof that there is global warming, we cannot discern CO2 warming from natural warming, we can hypothesize and build computer models, but that doesn't seem to tell us much.

Hypothesies without empirical evidence are unproven, models that don't match reality are pretty much useless, so you can guess as much as you like, the truth is WE DON'T KNOW.

Yes we would be in a long term cooling trend due to Milankovitch forcing. This had been going on for 6000 years prior to the recent warming trend partly attributable to humans. You can see this plainly in many temperature reconstructions. Even the dreaded hockey stick graph.


Other reconstructions that don't have the massive error bars where the medieval warm period and little ice age occurred also have much the same shape. A general cooling trend interspersed with warm and cool periods.


Yes.... but we don't survive.......

the natural trend shpuld be towardcooling. the past 100 years have wamed due to ghg.

Since there's no such thing as a static climate, if we didn't have global warming, we would be experiencing global cooling. Do you think if we had global cooling, humans would be blamed as the reason?