> When scientists talk about respiration in regard to climate change, do they mean cellular respiration?

When scientists talk about respiration in regard to climate change, do they mean cellular respiration?

Posted at: 2015-03-12 
Help! I am confused here.

They're most likely talking about plant respiration.Have a look at this, under the heading "The Biological carbon cycle "


Every day plants absorb CO2, and release CO2. (1) Thus, atmospheric CO2 is minimum at midday, (1A), and maximum at midnight. (1B) There is a sinusoidal wave (2) for CO2 concentration that has a 24 hour period. (3) In that way, it is said that Earth breaths. She takes a breath every day.

Sometimes people refer to the annual CO2 cycle that is also sinusoidal (4) as climate respiration. It is based on the relative inactivity of plants in the winter in parts of Earth where cold weather slows down the plants. (4A) In this case, Earth takes a breath once a year.

Between absorption of CO2 by the ocean and the biosphere, Earth inhales 15% of all the CO2 in the atmosphere every year. (5) Currently, there are about 68 Petamoles of CO2 in the atmosphere.

15% * 68 Pmoles = 10 Pmoles CO2 inhaled by Earth/year

In 2011, humans produced 33 Gtons/yr = 759 Tmoles/year (6), which comes to 7% of the 10 Pmoles CO2 that Earth inhales. Of course, most of that gets exhaled also. The amount of net CO2 increase or decrease in the atmosphere depends partly on the temperature of the surface of the ocean. CO2 is less soluble in warm water than in cooler water. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/File:Solubi...

Here is a paper on the issue: http://www.geol.umd.edu/~kaufman/ppt/G43...

However much of the CO2 increase was caused by humans or not, many people believe that the increase in atmospheric CO2 since 1958, is the main cause of the recent warming Earth has experienced since then. http://www.randombio.com/co2.html

However, the spike in atmospheric CO2 concentrations back in the 1940s did not seem to cause warming. http://www.biomind.de/realCO2/

Respiration has nothing to do with global warming. Respiration is part of the biological climate cycle, which has been balanced for billions of years.

Cellular is not only responsible but the Industry air pollution, chemical overflow water in the sea and river. Day by day rising the Automobile vehicles, increase the pollution. Trees are removed and Climate is going to spoil.

Who knows? Any scientist who 'talks' about man made climate change, doesn't know what he is talking about. It is a game they play with the uninformed. It sounds highly technical and will stump those who are not learned enough to comprehend or those who are to lazy to study the subject for themselves. Only those who are environmentally handicapped will truly be concerned.

Help! I am confused here.