> Jello asks, "Will global warming cause snowfall to be a rare event"?

Jello asks, "Will global warming cause snowfall to be a rare event"?

Posted at: 2015-03-12 
While there never was a lot of rain here in southwestern Arizona in the sixteen 'monsoon' seasons that I've lived here every years seems to have less overall rain. We used to have seasonal wildflowers all over the desert, and the various lakes such as Lake Powell north of us had boat marinas that are now as far as half a mile from any water. I suspect that at least some small children here in Lake Havasu, Az. actually have never seen rain. Given that kind of 'climate change' it's entirely possible that some children will never see snow in any quantity.

The stalling out of the jet stream, a moving river of air that meandered its ridges and troughs from west to east now appears to have stagnated, or at least it's up and down moving east movement has slowed down to a crawl. Here in the North America temperate zone we seem to be in a semi-permanent drought in the west with a massive overload of rain in the east. The data indicates that this strange turn of events has to do with only a minor uptick in overall temperature. At the current rate California, Arizona, Nevada, parts of Utah and New Mexico will not have enough water to maintain the various cities and agriculture we depend on. In the Midwest and parts east floods and massive storms with 'wet snow' look like a sure bet.

This article written by ‘The Independent” dated March 20, 2000. So you can look it up yourself I am providing you with a link.


Notice that it states, “However, the warming is so far manifesting itself more in winters which are less cold than in much hotter summers. According to Dr David Viner, a senior research scientist at the climatic research unit (CRU) of the University of East Anglia,within a few years winter snowfall will become "a very rare and exciting event".

"Children just aren't going to know what snow is," he said.

The word ‘few’ means not many according to ‘dictionary.com’ and so you can be sure that Davy didn’t mean a decade or more. So it has been more than a few and several articles that I looked up all verified the quote. None of which limited it to the UK. It did refer to the UK in other sentences but not in that portion of the quote. The reason I gave you this particular link, it shows that Davy’s predictions have been proven worthless and there also are some interesting comments underneath. You greenies are not fooling anyone of importance. Your greenie speak is catching up with you.

When you get caught your first line of defense is ‘they didn’t say that’. Davy’s intentions were quite clear to the intelligent ones.

OM, "So what's the more important point here? That some person named Dr. Jello omitted context (what you call lying...whatever) or that climate scientists in the UK were about as far off the mark as they could be with regard to predictions about the future of UK winters? "

One might point out that it does appear that London winters will see less snow.

And that weather is variable.

Also, "future" isn't tied to a specific year.

We both know that, at some point, it's not unlikely that their statement will be true.

Jello's statement, on the other hand was about something that had already happened.

It was intentionally misleading.

Now I'll grant that WUWT may have been the original perpetrator, and Jello just copied it.

However, in copying what was obviously ridiculous, and promoting a lie, he's just as guilty.

I didn't make that statement - That was made by Dr David Viner, a senior research scientist at the climatic research unit (CRU) of the University of East Anglia. Do you have more experience and education on the subject than a doctor who is a senior research scientist at the climatic research unit (CRU) of the University of East Anglia? Yea, didn't think so. You just deny what scientists say.

Great point. In context, it's clear the original article in 2000 was talking about the UK. http://www.independent.co.uk/environment...

There are plenty of quotes in that article with the general message that in the UK at least, global warming was going to make winters milder and snow more rare. See my answer to Jello's question for my thoughts. Here's another quote from the original 2000 article: "London's last substantial snowfall was in February 1991."

Let's see London in winter recently:

2014: http://www.bbcamerica.com/anglophenia/fi...

2013: http://blogs.voanews.com/photos/files/20...


I gotta love Jello for stirring the pot but the point is a good one. I certainly remember that statement and I must confess that I was somewhat shocked that it was 14 years ago. Time sure flies when you are having fun and staying cool.

actually , global warming will cause more water to evaporate from the oceans and cause more rain and snow events . at least until the 2030s , by that time global and sea temps will be so high that the waters will boil off into space and humanity turns to dust .

".. stated that within a few years winter snowfall will become “a very rare and exciting event”, “Children just aren’t going to know what snow is,”. Do you agree?"

Well, that is the case in many parts of the world.

Quite clearly he didn't mean that Alaska wouldn't see snow.

If I had to guess, maybe he was talking about some location that already had little snowfall.

Interesting that the entire conversation isn't quoted.

Shall we go look?

"British children would soon have to learn about snow from the internet or history books."

In the south of England, that may well be true.

One assumes that in the Scottish highlands, there will continue to be snow.

But then, maybe all jello reads is WUWT, and may not know any better.

SO, should there be a penalty for providing half a quote, intended to lie about what was said?

Would it be good if y/a provided some means to flag the title, or text, as a lie?

Should people who quote from WUWT have to wear their sign?
