> What is the ozone layer?

What is the ozone layer?

Posted at: 2015-03-12 
im in school right now and i would like to know what the ozone layer is any help?????????

Ozone (also known as trioxygen) is a special type of oxygen molecule called an allotrope. It is less stable than normal oxygen molecules and breaks down in lower elevations. The ozone layer absorbs 97–99% of the Sun's medium-frequency ultraviolet light (from about 200 nm to 315 nm wavelength), which potentially damages exposed life forms on Earth. It was discovered in 1913 by the French physicists Charles Fabry and Henri Buisson. Its properties were explored in detail by the British meteorologist G. M. B. Dobson, who developed a simple spectrophotometer (the Dobsonmeter) that could be used to measure stratospheric ozone from the ground. Between 1928 and 1958 Dobson established a worldwide network of ozone monitoring stations, which continue to operate to this day. The "Dobson unit", a convenient measure of the columnar density of ozone overhead, is named in his honor.

The ozone layer can be depleted by free radical catalysts, including nitric oxide (NO), nitrous oxide (N2O), hydroxyl (OH), atomic chlorine (Cl), and atomic bromine (Br). While there are natural sources for all of these species, the concentrations of chlorine and bromine have increased markedly in recent years due to the release of large quantities of man-made organohalogen compounds, especially chlorofluorocarbons (CFCs) and bromofluorocarbons.

It is a layer of gas called ozone (O3) in the atmosphere that protects us from harmful UV radiation. It is is beneficial when it is part of the ozone layer, but harmful near us. Human emission of CFC's (clorofluorocarbons) have destroyed the ozone layer and a hole has formed due to the effects of this.

The ozone layer is a thin layer of ozone that protects the earth from dangerous ultraviolet light. When the layer is thin or damaged this ultraviolet radiation can cause eye cataracts, skin cancers and damage to crops.

It is necessary to mention some facts concerning the future in order to understand why the global warming can be considered a disaster for the whole planet. Certainly it is not possible to know the future climate on Earth precisely, but some data are certain: every century brings the increase of the temperature of 1-2C. It is enough for Greenland and Antarctica to start melting, thus some part of northern areas could become a farmland and Sahara might become bigger. Storms can be stronger. Some countries like Bangladesh and Netherlands are luckily to vanish because of the ocean level rise up to 5 meters.

The term "climate forcing" is often used though it is hard to give its precise definition. To define it simply - this is an event that influences global climate. At this point it is necessary to mention that the weather and climate are different things, the weather is described with the help of variations of dryness or wetness, cold and heat. They do not play a great role for the whole picture on the Earth, but climate can be influenced by forcing, like for example a volcanic eruption can cool the climate on the whole Earth. Such forcing is called a short term forcing. An example of long term forcing may be continental drift which within millions of years changes the path of ocean currents. To anthropogenic forcing belong fossil fuel burning and agriculture. Not all forcing of humans result in global warming, sulfur dioxide from coal burning produces aerosols and they result in cooling.

These were the main negative influences on the climate that cause the global warming. They are rather serious and need urgent steps taken by people in order to avoid the catastrophes in the world of nature, to which we by the way also belong.

So the climate of the Earth should be an international concern and not only of scientists and ordinary people, but also of those who hold power in their hand and are able to make the politics work not only for money, but also for the future of the whole mankind. Unfortunately, these are mostly beautiful words and promises when elections are in the future as soon as they are over the real situation changes. Not a single national leader has come out publicly and said that the recent spate of hurricanes was the result of global warming, this is a part of conventional wisdom of environmentalists that they should not frighten the public, but should focus their interest on technical solutions, like for example hybrid cars and so on.

Global warming is such a problem that it is necessary to deal with all its aspects, which includes the politics. When politicians formulate their policy they need inputs from many disciplines and from science as well. But unfortunately global warming has become an absolutely political issue and politicians do their best to influence even science.

Lord is right but the Ozone Layer is contained within the Stratosphere which is the second layer of our atmosphere

It is a thick region of the lower stratosphere, made up mostly of the usual nitrogen, oxygen, and so on... with ozone increased to about 9 ppm peak.

Ozone is the only gas in our atmosphere that absorbs UV-215 thru UV-280. This range of UV is also absorbed by DNA (breaking it, perhaps beyond repair), cm depth of soil, or metres depth of water.

The ozone layer is the outer surface of the galaxy.

A layer that The British Antarctic Survey discovered and then pretended was being destroyed to push a left wing agenda.

i think it was the top or one of the top layers in our atmosphere. it keeps harmful uv rays(i think, bt might be something else. radiation?) from the sun from hitting the earth. it deflects it away from earth.

u can browse in Google.

im in school right now and i would like to know what the ozone layer is any help?????????