> Aren't you fed up with hearing that 'big oil' and 'big business' are responsible for the heat on thi

Aren't you fed up with hearing that 'big oil' and 'big business' are responsible for the heat on thi

Posted at: 2015-03-12 
This is a repeat since someone changed the category and I think it is fair to give everyone a crack at answering.

Big Oil is not like the government. It can't force you to buy it. Same with Big Business. You don't have to buy what they make, use their services or even work for them.

Their destiny is entirely in the hands of the people. You just need to accept that the people don't want to do anything to change it.

Big Government can decide to run a mult-billion dollar industry. Finances are no problem, they just raise some taxes. You can't avoid the taxes. The full force of the law can be brough to bear if you do. Thay can make it so you have to buy their products and services.

The likes of Charles and David, on the other hand, have to find ingenious ways to get something which they can sell at a profit to others. Coercion is not possible.

It also allows Bill and Dave (HP) to acquire funds well in excess of anything Charles and Dave might have that can be donated to Green causes.

I am never fed up with hearing the truth. For what it is worth, big business should not be clustered so tightly in this. Some of the big businesses around the world are actually active in trying to reduce their carbon footprint and taking measures towards adapting to a warmer climate. To name a few:

1. Insurance

2. Health

3. Farmers

4. World banks

This is a "straw man argument" from the AGW ranters. It's like saying, "Bill, you know that Bobby killed yer old man. What are we going to do to get this guy?"

And, his dad is safe at home, smoking a cigar. Or, maybe dead, but there is no evidence whatever of foul play.

Some people just like to hate others. And the ones that believe in diversity the most hate the most.

Stop lying about it and we'll stop presenting the facts more than is neccessary

wrong category..politics that way ---)

This is a repeat since someone changed the category and I think it is fair to give everyone a crack at answering.