> If so-called "global warming" has been proven to cause an increase in tornados,?

If so-called "global warming" has been proven to cause an increase in tornados,?

Posted at: 2015-03-12 
doe the fact that tornados are not increasing prove the science is wrong and needs more work before we can take corrective action?

Do scientists link tornadoes to climate?

"Top Climate Scientist On The Monster Tornadoes: ‘It Is Irresponsible Not To Mention Climate Change’"

These are the kinds of things they say to the media. Why can't they just come clean and say there is no evidence for a link?

Oh look, here is a paper:

"As warm springs and summers would become more common as a result of climate change, his results imply an eventual increase in tornado frequency on the Prairies if seasonal temperatures rise beyond present normal values."


Melting permafrost, drought all throughout the south, record snowfall in new england and record high temps in alaska as wells here in chicago, water levels already rising. The current data is trending in support of climate change.

Hypothetically, if global warming did lead to an increase in tornadoes, that would be an effect of global warming, not evidence of global warming. We know that Earth is warming because of temperature trends.


If A then B,

if this is a true statement, then so is If (not B) then (not A)

That said, the record number of tornadoes is probably due to a boost in reporting and tracking capability.

Global warming can also cause tornadoes to decrease- just like hurricanes.

can you show where it states in the scientific literature that its been proven that tornadoes will increase in a warming world? A,so can you show the data behind tornadoes increasing or decreasing? What I have read is that it is very hard to pinpoint the number of tornadoes globally.

This is the latest on tornadoes.


Far from being 'proven' as you state.

I think you are on to something. Your argument to warmers goes like this, it isn't warming, and they argue it is, and you say it isn't, and they say it is and then for the coup de grace, you say it is and they start arguing it isn't and you then have them arguing for your side. Clearly you have alarmists trying to argue that AGW doesn't cause more tornadoes. It is pretty funny to me.


making your own facts does not makereality.

doe the fact that tornados are not increasing prove the science is wrong and needs more work before we can take corrective action?